How about using the CCC Forums to prearrange our own CCC Entertainment Crew for each week that will assist resort person in getting the crowd going and arranging participants for the games. If the staff is cool and our crew isn't needed we can enjoy but if the resort person is struggling we can offer our prearranged support. What do you think...this could be really fun as well!
Pre-damn-cisely! Key point = Be responsible for developing your own buzz! That makes the entertainment staff an added luxury, rather than necessity. Eases their burden to a manageable level.
Hola...neither of us is shy about participation. By May I'm sure the staff will be ready for us...Jamie too.
Yeah so some assumptions above or maybe people just have different perspectives or it changes week to week as I can only answer for when we were there... So from the 3rd to 7th the crowd was great, people were into it, we tried to encourage the entertainment but the reality was it was lacking. It wasn't the crowd or lack of interest in participation. I am sure when u have never been before and have nothing to compare it to then it would seem fine. We made our own fun and had a great time. But answering the original question the entertainment crew was worse than any time we have been before and this was trip 6. As for the question of the girls I probably wouldn't of even realized they were a part of the entertainment staff if I didn't make an effort to get to know them. Jj needs some better help.
We just came home after 2 weeks. I participated in several games, and had some nice discussions with the staff. JJ said there a 2 new gals scheduled to start this week. Both with experience, one from US, other from Canada. He says scheduled, because sometimes they just don't show. I think JJ was great, and he admits he needs some help. The gals there now had no experience. Adrianna and Yanet were nice, just not sure how to run games. They were much better mingling the crowd at the end of our trip than the beginning. If the 2 new people start, might be better. But, from what I've read, it was much better than I expected. Participation was good, crowd was into it. And, JJ made several announcements that cameras were not allowed, since the games got pretty raunchy, which was good to see.