You ought to start a marketing business in your spare time! We'll be carrying out your "agenda" 5 days from now!! Ken and Joyce
Thanks y'all, this responce just kinda flowed once I got started. I do quiet a bit of traveling w\my job & for recreation. I used to take a crew w\me to Cozumel every year where I had a 2 bedroom timeshare @ the Plaza las Glorias to have 1\2 as much fun as I can have at TTR all by myself. This place is "hands down" the consistently funnest resort I've been to in 30 yrs of searching, so my hats off to each & every one of y'all for making that happen!!!!!!!!!!
I know sweetie, we did have a blast. Even though me & Victoria are no longer an item we still talk & our chats always evolve into how much fun TTR was last year w\y'all. I plan on MANY more trips there so we'll def make it down together before to long so y'all party your asses off as I know you will & go by the sales offfice & tell 'em ole mitchell said: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger: :double finger:
I will second that gesture! If you go in July, give me a call while you are in the US. We will get drunk together via the phone! LOL Terry
Well they(premier) are calling me tomorrow, should be interesting! Of course I cant send them that gesture over the phone! Terry