What is needed by the Mexican people? (donation type items)

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Resortman, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    The problem with school uniforms is that many schools have different uniforms, so you won't know if what you buy is what they need.

    And as Tracey says the schools are really picky about which kind of school supplies they require, so you can't be sure that a regular 8.5" x 11" notebook would even get used even though it seems like a normal thing to buy.

    I also give my housekeeper unneeded clothing, and she sells it or uses it as she chooses.

    As others have said, if you are after a personal reaction, then give gifts. If you want to be sure you meet a real need give money. If you want to be part of solving larger complex problems get involved with charity projects.

    TJ - What you did for the firemen and the families of those lost was great. I was very proud of you for that.
  2. carrie77

    carrie77 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Funny this is a discussion at this time: I'm marrying into a Catholic family and am going through the RCIA classes to learn something about what I'm getting myself into (little sarcasm there). Seriously, in tonight's class we talked about a common thing do do during Lent is giving more to charity or getting involved in one. I was thinking of this thread and how random it seems that it is Lent.
  3. 212eric

    212eric Guest

    +0 / 0
    I learned about the Give A Toy Get A Smile charity when I was updating my Cancun travel guide book and learned about it from Joe, the owner of a great Cancun restaurant that has since closed unfortunately. Anyway, I digress, but his place worked very closely with them and I was and still am so impressed. I think the charity works with Hard Rock Cafe now, but you should visit their website to make sure before you travel to Cancun:


    I hope these suggestions help you find a worthwhile charity,
  4. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    What is needed by Mexican people?

    I have a question since I have been reading this. Someone had mentioned the schools in Cancun are very picky about school supplies, and I had a question. I thought that at one point I had read that Give a Toy Get a Smile had mentioned school supplies. Well, last year when we visited in June we had just two backpacks with some school supplies in it, and wanted to do more this next time. We are coming in June, but this past fall when our kids were going back to school we bought a ton of extra school supplies to bring to Cancun with us when we come. I bet we have 60 or 80 notebooks, the same in folders, crayons, pens, etc. Will it be a waste to bring that down when we come? We are also going to be on Isla, are they real picky too? I would hate to bring it all down with us, and find out it can't be used. Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
  5. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Every school and every class is different. They use a lot of Italian size notebooks here which are smaller than 8.5"x11" ones. I think stuff like pens and pencils are safer, but notebooks, well, you need to know what their teachers ask them to have.
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,274 / 14
    Yeah, school supplies are pretty strict. I know when our 3 yr old daughter started school the list of around 50 required items was almost like a treasure hunt:

    - "12 stones from the river" (where is the nearest river?)
    - "Gold dust" (means some glittery gold stuff available at only one place - we bought some different gold dust which wasnt acceptable)

    Backpaks are pretty much anything goes ... at least for the under 5's. If you're not sure on paper pencils etc bring more backpacks (if you can fit them) for the younger kids.
  7. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    What about loose leaf paper? I would guess if they are strict on notebooks, they are about that too? We do have a lot of the crayons, pencils, smaller stuff like that which will be easier and lighter to bring down. Well, at least we got a good deal on it all and will eventually use it. So the Isla schools are probably the same too then?
    Thanks for the help, we'll still bring down what we can and that you guys think they'll use.
  8. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0

    It may be easier to purchase school supply items locally than to take up luggage space, and especially weight if you are considering notebook paper etc.

    Items are abundantly available locally at Walmart, Chedraui, Soriana and Mega and the prices are very reasonable.

    Just a thought.
  9. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks for the replies about the school supplies. We had gotten such good deals that I bought as much as we could, 10 cents a notebook and things like that. I did talk to someone at our church/school today who has a son who every summer goes to really poor areas of Mexico, and she said that they would take anything like that they could. I'll probably just give them to her, and then we don't have to worry about our luggage and weight and all of that.

    Thanks again!
  10. ELLABEAR424

    ELLABEAR424 Addict Registered Member

    Dec 28, 2006
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    I used to have that same way of thinking until I went to Cancun and lived there for about 6 months. I soon realized how much more effective it is to just give money instead of buying "things". I will admit that I am guilty of giving bath sets to our maid because I figure that is something that she might not buy for herself. But I just leave extra $$$ because I know that is what they really need and it leaves room in my suitcase to pack clothes that I never end up wearing. :D :lol:
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