What is needed by the Mexican people? (donation type items)

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Resortman, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    This is always a controversial issue whenever it comes up.

    Hotel workers are, all over the World, poorly paid and Cancun is no exception to that and there are a lot of hotel workers here. I'm pretty sure though that the number that live in shacks or cant afford shoes / clothing / shampoo are far far fewer than many think.

    Gifts are nice and I'm sure well received, but cash that puts food on the table or pays the electricity bill is probably more welcome to those in need.

    I would agree with Rivergirl that donating to a recognised Cancun charity would be of greater benefit to those in Cancun less fortunate than ourselves.
  2. xoie's omah

    xoie's omah Addict Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Donating cash to a charity is a lot easier to pack and you can do it from the comfort of your home if you want. I checked out all the links....thanks Rivergirl....they are definitely good causes.

    I agree it is fun to get the instant response of a face to face gift and think if someone wants to do it that way go for it. You are helping someone out in a small way that may not be touched by some of the mentioned organizations. Giving is also good for your soul. :D
  3. Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos

    Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos Guest

    +0 / 0
    We have a Mexican and US registered charity here in Puerto Morelos (El Mudo Para Puerto Morelos) that provides, medical equipment and training to local doctors, undertakes several school projects, provides school supplies and uniforms ( a major expense for the average family), fire fighter equipment and training and several other project. One thing I discovered is that simple school supplies such as pencils, pens, natebooks, etc are expensive here. These are great items to bring and there is a good chance that your maids in the hotel will either have children in school or are part of an extended family that does. For more info on El Mudo Para Puerto Morelos go to:

    The owner of the blog spot is the director of the charity, "Cat" Brown. Her email is catbrown @ emppm dot com
  4. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think there are several issues here. For one thing hotel work here is underpaid and very hard, the workers have really long hours and many have long commutes (if they have to take multiple buses to work it can be an hour for them to get to work from the poorer sections of Cancun). And I think that many people who work in hotels get treated like servants by most tourists.

    So when tourists take the time to be generous and thankful to hotel workers I'm sure that's it's very much appreciated. But if you could know for sure what that person you are thanking needs most I'm betting it would not be t-shirts. Money to buy schoolbooks for their kids or to pay the light bill might be higher on the list.

    The bigger issue is that this area has many very serious social problems. There is homelessness here and hunger; we have elderly people who have to beg in the streets for money to eat. Many of the poor do not have proper medical care. I personally know teens who can't afford books and so have had to drop out of high school (public schools do NOT provide free books here). None of these issues gets addressed when you give t-shirts to the people waiting on you at your hotel.

    The question, I guess, is do you want to give a personal gift to someone you interact with or do you want to be part of helping solve some of the bigger problems here? Both things are legitimate. But as someone who does a great deal of charity work here it's my opinion that it's best to support the charities that are making the biggest positive impact.

    To answer davisod's question I think the Red Cross is probably registered in Canada, and when you give to them you can direct the money to Mexico I think. The City of Joy Foundation can give a tax deductible receipt for the US, they are registered there or were last I knew.

    In the end help is appreciated. But the more careful you are about how you give the more effective your help will be.
  5. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Resortman - I'll bet that I live further into downtown Cancun than you've ever been.
  6. Resortman

    Resortman Guest

    +0 / 0
    maybe maybe not. After 15 years of going to Cancun, I have seen a lot:) Either way, my pint was that bringing ANYTHING down is great and wanted to get people to bring SOMETHING down...pencils and school items seem much appreciated as does a bag/backpack and watches. I always give money when there. Kids bring me little toekns/bracelets etc and I always pitch in with cash. I just hope it goes toward something other than a modelo:) Again, I'm not against you, just wanted to let people know there is a need for items and wanted feedback....money is obvious, but pencils and hygiene are not. Sorry for the snap, but I do my best to help out and will take some of these ideas with me this year. :)
  7. Mojito

    Mojito Guest

    +0 / 0
    For many years, our family of 14 (6 kids - mostly girls) has spent the week before Christmas at an all-inclusive near Akumal. We intentionally brought our girls' fanciest dresses that they were about to outgrow and had them wear those dresses to dinner at the resort each night. At the end of our trip, our luggage would be lighter because we would take the dresses to the Akumal Library (a place right in Akumal where toddlers and schoolchildren gather to read, play games and socialize) and give the dresses along with dollar bills to all the local kids for Christmas. The little Mexican girls each went home with a beautiful dress to wear to Christmas mass. We would also make a small monetary donation to the Library. If you are staying somewhere near Akumal, instead of taking an expensive tour, spend the money you would have spent on the tour and take a cab to the Akumal Library to meet these kids. They are great kids -- as are the adults that volunteer their time to be with these kids every day. Hand the kids a dollar or two and leave a small donation to the Library. School supplies are always appreciated, but I think handing the kids each a couple dollars really makes them smile. Those smiles will warm your heart.
  8. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    We all do our "charities" in different ways. I know Rivergirl and I know that she is involved in many charitable activities. I have supported them when I hear of them, and did so as recently as a week ago.

    Sure money is the most needed thing but Resortman gives money as part of the list of things that he gives, and that list had a lot of items.

    But anything and everything is needed so no one should be looking a gift resortman in the mouth. It is his charitable givings and I am certain that the recipients are grateful.

    And when you give a shirt or a backpack to a child, or even pencils or books, the smiles and hugs make it so meaningful. AND, more importantly these folks need clothes, shoes, etc. and as Resortman suggests correctly, he knows that he is not giving money that is going to be spent for things like beer, cigarettes, drugs, etc.

    Kim, remember when the two firemen were killed we raised and gave money to the families but we also gave equipment to the fire department. To me that was sort of like after 9/11 when the money was not getting to the needy. That is why I personally handed money to the widow of one fireman and to the mother of the other one. And that is why we donated equipment, so that we knew it went for the guys who were under-equipped and not in the pockets of those bureaucrats with their hands out.

    I applaud Rivergirl's charitable efforts and I likewise applaud those of Resortman and others equally.
  9. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    I make sure I give all the clothes my family has grown out of directly to the woman who helps me in the house. I know that most of it will not fit her or her kids but she sells them and pays the bills or passes them to relatives.She doesn't need t shirts she needs the money more.

    Its wonderful to see a grateful smile when you pass things over and I can see that aspect can get lost when you pay directly into a charity - but it DOES without doubt help more people get the things they really need.

    If witnessing the reaction is something that is very important to you then can I suggest school supplies would be a great gift- but buy them here as the schools stipulate what excercise books are needed (walmart has a good selection)Pencils, crayons , erasers, pencil sharpeners are also required by each student.

    Whatever you give will always be welcomed.

  10. gbchayctca

    gbchayctca Guest

    +0 / 0
    If money is given as a tip, it's really none of the giver's business if that money goes toward ciggies, alchohol or a set of crutches for a child with polio. Thinking otherwise smacks of paternalism.

    I really doubt that there is a "need" for material items, however there may very well be a Desire, especially since Cancun is visited by so many across the border who delight in conspicuous consumption.

    I do bet that some parents would be very pleased if someone came down, stopped at Chedraui, and bought a piece or two of a school uniform. I know many who did not continue their educations because they didn't have the $ to buy the required clothing to attend school.

    Many have to wash their one uniform nightly so that it's ready for the next day. And my husband had been sent home a couple of times from secundaria because he wasn't wearing proper socks.
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