then once you get down to 6 you tell opposie team to fix triangle into 3 in back to 1 in front and then again at 3 so the cups are together and easier to make. whats tippy cup????
oh the wife and I were the quarter champs at a bar by the U of A and they played with a lil basketball hoop they wanted to know if we would go to vegas and play in the Budwieser quarters tourny . Thats always a fun game and you can get smashed quick
You just got tired of not making it in the cup... admit it!! Maybe we could make a rule that you have to drink (or take a shot) if you miss?! :shock: There is always strip beer pong/tippy cup?!
Boy, the enterianment must have really gone down hill, when we are trying to think up games to play for entertainment! Maybe they should hire us all as the entertainment staff! LOL Terry
im thinking we take over the shoes club and have a good clean game of strip poker.... or not so clean!