Just checked forecast and calling for rain on quite a few days this coming week. I'm a firest timer so would love some insight on ideas to keep having fun at Temptation during the rain. Anyone got any good stories, or thoughts for rainy day enjoyment? So far I've only come up with... 1) Drink excessively Travis
When we're down if it starts raining we head down to Caliente to catch some games...NFL, NHL, bet on the ponies and dogs...it's in the area near Hard Rock Cafe. D
I wouldn't get too hung up on the rain forecast. We have been to Cancun 13 times now and there always seems to be rain in the forecast. Normally when it does rain it is for only a few minutes and then the sun is out again, in the event that you get one of the times when it rains for a day or all evening, we would go into town, spend some quality time in the room :wink: or hook up with friends for shopping or other indoor activity. And when all else fails....DRINK
Rain I was going to say the same thing as Davenrose , I think every time ive been there they have called for Rain throughout the forecast and I have honestly never had a day washed out because of it, Im sure it happens, but ive never had it rain all day and night, I think the most for me was a few hours and then sunny and hot again.
...during the rain...........if it rains. Yea, channel 12, then go eat, get a drink and then more channel 12. You can never go wrong with channel 12 especially if it is raining outside.
The forcast is never right, and when it does rain it is usually not long, if it rains go to the bar and do shots. Terry
dumptations is for pinheads only... avoid like the plague, spend your $$$$$ elsewhere temptations: rated #54 of 182 in trip advisor!!!
Ratings Rated number 1 in my book, and thats all that counts, Ive read trip advisor, half of them cant spell or type in english, so the odds of me taking their advice is slim to none. Ive been to a dozen resorts in Cancun and this is by far the best.... Then again it is what you make it...but hey thats just me. :lol: Even with that math, its right around the top 25%. . . If you have family with ya, not for you... If you like champagne and caviar and stuck up people, not for you.... If you like to let loose and relax and meet great people and have "spring break for adults" then its #1 of 182.. If that makes me a PINHEAD...then god damn it, so be it ha ha ha