Jamie.....why aren't your photos of you? Hmmmmmmm. Ineresting isn't it. Jamie........relax.......it's all good darling!
Well let's see... definition of my photos are photos I take... therefore I am behind the camera and not in the picture. "Here's your sign" And it's not all good when someone wants to change a place that they have never been to when we feel it's just fine the way it is.... Jamie
OK.. go ahead... walk out the pool on day 1 naked and refuse to put your clothes on. Say you demand that they allow you to be naked... Oh.. a tip.. don't unpack the night before.. it will save you time getting your stuff together as they escort you out. Oh... and sorry that it seems that you left most of your brains on the field..... Jamie
you are being very critical of me Jamesie.........my brains on the field? Some of them maybe...certainly not most of them........and have been handsomly paid for those brains that I have left behind.........just please don't slander me....... you may disagree with my opinion..........with a point that I have taken.........but please don't slander me. Again.......peace unto you Jamesie....
Slander is the spoken or transitory form of defamation of character, a legal term that refers to a falsehood presented as true which could harm the reputation of a person or entity. Somehow I don't think there is a single thing I could say that would harm your reputation anymore than any single post you have already made... Jamie
I normally try and stay out of the squabbles, but I've got to throw my 2 cents in here. I have been to TTR twice now, with #3 just 2 short weeks away. There are many things I'd like to see change but the c/o is not really an issue. This is a party resort, not a swingers resort. Do Swingers like to party.. Hell Ya! :69::headbanger: Do partiers like to swing? well.. Some yes, :ladiesman1:some No. :aktion070: The topless aspect is great, but you will also find that there are many that enjoy TTR, but aren't comfortable going topless. They still have fun, and still party and have a good time, but I doubt they would have such a good time if c/o. The 1/2 this and 1/2 that... may as well be 2 separate resorts.. with 2 different staffs, 2 different pool and game areas, 2 different beaches.... hmm like Temptation and Desire. I agree that Desire is booked, we looked at going there for a couple days too, but until last year there also used to be just one TTR and 2 Desire’s... now there are 2 TTR's and 1 Desire.. so who’s to say what business model is best. Regardless, I Love TTR as it is, unpretentious 3.5 stars , down to earth people which is really the key. This format brings in great people of all shapes and sizes and age ranges where I’m sure that many of those wonderful people would not go for Desire or Hedo . I wish I could afford 2 of these trips so I could do one of each, but we have enough Desire type clubs in Texas if you are so inclined, but we’ve got nothin like TTR. On the nudity, I have played NTVB 3 times, lost once (Ice water sucks) and each time we had to recruit people to play as there wasn't enough willing to drop trow and play. Although the crowd on here makes it sound like there is a waiting list to play, It hasn’t been that way in my experiences (and weather was never an issue). Also, I have bared a few assets thanks to Chinos and Lalo in a variety of games, but I am still glad I don't have to see all the guys running around naked. I still can't get the image of Jason's full nude Belly Flop out of my head... lord knows every one who saw it has tried lol (props to Jason.. he got his t-shirt and did an AWESOME job. Unfortunately my wife got video of it that has popped up once or twice in the past year… scary..lol. I’m all for fun and games , but changing a rule ruins a trip for more people than benefit from it.. then its not meant to be. Trust me.. I’d love to have the money to open up my own version o f ”Tempting Desires” a mix match of the two environment that to me would be heaven and server In-n-Out Burgers all day, but I’m sure that there would instantly be a thread on how to change it to be more like this or less like that… Now that I’ve put everyone to sleep with my ramblings… 2 WEEKS 1.5 Days and I’ll be there loving and griping about it all.
Hope all is done and over! From what we've heard Temptation seems to be doing quite well as it is. This is supposed to be a fun forum! Glad all who have been there had a great time meeting up with forum members and new people and hope all that will be going will have a great trip. So looking forward to July!