I had booked Isla Mujeres tour with Best Day Tour and on the voucher it gives you the departure time (9:45 AM) and location at Playa Tortugas. How do i get to Playa Tortugas and what bus to take? where to get off or on the bus etc....? Any info would help please. Thanks again!!!!!
Playa Tortugas is at the old Fat Tuesdays (now closed). Cross the street in front of TTR and wait for the bus there (any bus you get on there will take you there). Its only a few minutes bus ride from there, straight down the street. You could tell the bus driver "Playa Tortugas/Fat Tuesdays" and they are usually pretty good about telling you when to get off.Once you get off the bus, you'll have to cross the street again to get to Playa Tortugas. To get back to TTR, just get on the bus on the same side of the street as Playa Tortugas it will take you to TTR, you'll just have to watch for when to get off. If you don't want to take the bus it wouldn't be every expensive cab ride maybe $5 or so each way. Good luch, have fun!
If this is the same one that the Pirate dinner cruise leaves from (and I am pretty sure it is) you could EASILY walk to it. It is like a 10 minute walk MAX. Just walk out to the side walk and take a left.