Miss Temptation is more about having fun, connecting with the crowd (smile, show a lot of personality), letting loose, and generally having a good time. Oh, yeah, and show a lot of skin! :icon_biggrin: Come to think of it, the same applies to pretty much all the poolside games! :icon_wink:
One year and not that long ago .. can't remember which year but a women about 50ish -60ish won that week. Like others said Sexy Know no age... You go girl have fun.
Being cheeky -our good friend Jo is up for May please vote lol xxx But like everyone says it's not really about what you do...it's who your friends are in the crowd. Go for it - you have nothing to loose xxx Lynfa x
AWE...thank you.....I would have to be REALLY, REALLY, REALLY drunk to enter....(even though I probably will be)....since I am the sloppy "I love you" drunk....i would probably only be good for a laugh, but thanks for the pre-vote. I am going to try to live by the TTR Motto when we are there (nobody knows you and.....you know the rest). We will see you guys, we are there the 23rd through the 1st.......ITS ALMOST HERE! Just a side note to all you Cancun Regulars and future repeaters.....thank you....your posts have managed to help me pass the last year with laughs and smiles. I know this place will live up to my expectations!