What Age is Too Old for TTR?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by marshe, May 29, 2018.

  1. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    .........or someone's trying mouth to cock recesitation. ....if that doesn't work..............you've passed!
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  2. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Be careful folks
    Our last trip 4 weeks ago, someone did die.

    And it was very frantic, not funny or amusing.
    Really was sad.
  3. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Damn Marshe... I think they were only posting a lighthearted comment alluding to their love of TTR, not that anybody really is hoping to expire there.
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Agree with those who say if you're still enjoying it, then you're never too old.

    I have definitely noticed a change in clientele towards the younger side. Not by a huge amount but it's definitely there. I've also noticed this on the Boobs Cruise too. I speak to a lot of people both at the hotel and on the cruise and while one shouldn't generalise too much I'm noticing that the older age group tend to be more criticial of the new hotel and say they are less likely to return than those on the younger side. The younger age group for the most part seem to enjoy the renovated hotel more than the old, or are newbies that have no prior experience. I put this down to those on the older side being less accepting of change than the younger. Plus of course, the older group are getting older and what they may have enjoyed 10 years ago they may not enjoy so much now, and as people enter into retirement perhaps money becomes more of an issue, given the overall increase in room prices.

    Another observation I've had recently is that some of the longer established groups have become fractured into factions, and become more cliquey. This is nothing new though and has an air of inevitability about it, it's been happening for years. People get to know each other so well through having shared many prior trips that they naturally gravitate towards those they get on the best with, sometimes to the detriment of others in the group or newcomers. And there is always someone that wants to make a name for themselves as the group leader. The multitude of Facebook groups don't help 'togetherness' and 'one big family' at all. But new groups will form and old ones will wither and die out. It's been happening for the 16 years this forum has been running, just seems a little accelerated in recent times.

    Re the Boobs Cruise, we've had a shift in demographics too. As well as a younger average age, we are finding that where before the ratio of repeaters to newbies was about 70:30 it's now close on 50:50. From a business perspective I think that is a good thing for the future, but I do wonder why so many repeaters having done maybe 5-10 cruises before are now choosing not to go.

    At 51, I'm now over the average age, Jannet at 43 is probably around average age. But for us, we are still enjoying the hotel and meeting a bunch of new people we haven't met before is kind of refreshing.
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  5. GoGoBlanco

    GoGoBlanco Banned

    Dec 11, 2012
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    Totally love Henry! And his gorgeous wife Janet, who was still rocking a bikini in her 80s!! He was hilarious, got totally drunk playing beer-pong!
  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Interesting observations Steve. Thanks for sharing. Appreciate your perspective as it comes from a much larger sample size than the rest of us. It does align with our 3 experiences to the new TTR comparing to the old TTR. We fall into the category of medium age like Jannet who think we are still 25 :)

    I find your business insights interesting also. You of course want to attract a high % of newbies as then your customer base won’t ‘die out’ or dry up. But keeping your established base is important too. Re wondering why those that have done 5-10 cruises are choosing not to go I have an opinion. I think it is a combo of when you have done it so many times it becomes a little less exciting. Kind of a been there done that type of thing. So the challenge is to keep it always evolving, new and exciting. Easier said than done. I actually think the cruise has gotten better with each trip as the anything goes factor has increased thru the years and the staff/entertainers just can’t be beat. The second factor, which definitely applies to us, is (as long as you are not a member having to use up nights) as you age many tend to take more frequent but shorter trips to TTR. We still pretend we are 25 when we visit and party crazy hard but the reality is we run out of gas at 4 nights instead of 7 like we used to. With a 3 or 4 night trip it becomes much more difficult to fit in the Boobs Cruise.

    End result though is the Boobs Cruise helped to open up a wonderful world to us. Still like always is the best way to meet people and the best way to dip your toe into the ttr style party. And hell it simply is a great time. If everyone experienced a Boobs Cruise at least once in their life the world would be a better place :)
  7. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    We experienced our first BC in April after getting up our courage after asking many folks questions.
    Now, we will do it again in Nov.
    I do agree with what John, Marsh, Steve, and Kyle have written preceding this post...all experienced TTRers.

    Or is it now TCR...as on Temptation Cancun Resort???
    Just wondering.
  8. mrbreeze317

    mrbreeze317 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I don't think you're ever too old - it gives me joy to see those 40+ still enjoying and celebrating life (especially since we belong to that demographic). If the younger set has a problem with that, well, tooo damn bad
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  9. Boilercpl

    Boilercpl Regular Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Last trip in Dec we saw a man that I was told was in his late 90's. He traveled alone and was having a great time. I would say when your time's up that's a great way to go!!
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  10. Stevonia

    Stevonia Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    How old is too old for TTR... stone cold dead!

    Seriously though we had a blast with a WWII vet and his wife last August. Go have fun.
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