In 2 days, what will happen if there are 3 men in a car, and if the windows are polarized? Where do I go to un-polarize them? Fortunately, I have local plates, at least!
I haven't heard or read anything more about it. My guess is that it will never happen--at least the no-polarized windows part of it. I have been watching since the news came out and I bet at least half of the cars in Cancun have polarized windows--and a lot of those are taxis! I doubt if even Greg can beat the Taxi union! There has been a law for years prohibiting very dark windows but it has not been enforced much...mainly just an excuse for mordidas. Vehicles that have polarized windows from the factory have always been excluded--except by Greg that is.
whats this crazy law you guys are talking about? i havent heard of it... polarized windows are supposedly not allowed either in mexico city but its just a weird law that no one really pays attention to...
The Mayor has proposed changing the traffic regulations so that if they see more than 3 "suspicious" males in a vehicle, they can stop them!! How subjective can you get. Also that no vehicle can have polarized windows. Currently people who have it have to get a permit for it and only for a certain amount--2 "humos" for example. This so that drug lords or their minions can't ride around with kidnap victims tied up in their cars and not be seen I guess.
I just went thru this windows tint thing down at transito. After I heard about this, we called around to try and find out exactly what the law was going to be, no one at transito seemd overly sure about it, we did find out thou that you can bring your car to the transito on kabah and they will remove the tint for free. So we drove down there and after dealing with the idiot at the gate figured out that we had to pull in the back and wait our turn. They remove the tint using gasoline and razor blades...... not exactly professional, but it works, not so well for the back windows I gather thou. Anyway, once it was our turn the guy asked if we just wanted him to take off the front windows (driver and passenger) or all of them, according to him at least the law allows for tint on the back windows but nothing on the front, so he removed the front tint and I snapped a few pictures so I can show transito that THEIR guys said it was ok to have tint on the back.... its a stupid law.. and if you should be allowed to have tint, its in places like Cancun where it is super sunny. As for the 3 guys thing.. no comment.. :roll:
Thanks for the firsthand experience. And, yes, the proposed regulation change (which I don't expect to actually happen or be enforced) is only for the front windows.
silly law!! if only gettin rid of polarized windows made things safer reality that dont help, i got kidnapped here in cancun in an unpolarized car by two men ,not three so guess how useless this is
My husband thinks that anyone driving a new Lobo pickup truck is a drug dealer or a kidnapper...well, he likes to pretend that he thinks that. I've tried to tell him that kidnappers are better off with panel vans with no back windows, a sliding door and a low floor deck. Ever since I grew boobs I've been very careful not to walk next to parked vans in parking lots for this reason. Un-tinting windows is not going to make anyone safer from kidnapping. The kidnappers can just use a different kind of vehicle. As for the 3 men in a car thing, well, haven't cops everywhere ALWAYS targeted carloads full of guys? My husband reports that when he and his 3 brothers were young and lived in DF they would always get searched at every check point. And in the US I've noticed the same thing, the cops go after groups of young men traveling together. This is not new, even if it stupid and unconstitutional.
It seems that 1,570 people have already gone to get their windows scraped with razor blades and they expect another 300 today which is the last day of the "free de-polarization" of windows. Now today the announcement that the local government has not yet approved the Alcalde's "new rule" to arrest people with polarized windows and/or with more than 3 males in the car so don't let Transito try to pull that one on you! At least not yet!