Hey Jamie, Glad you made it back Ok. It was nice to meet you. Thanks for the glow stick for Deb. It made us feel like we were a part of the group. Wish we could have stayed a couple more days and gone on the catamaran trip, maybe next time.
I think throwing you guys in the mix would make for one great trip...Like ive said in the past, meeting people from this great board is one of my goals and you NT are someone I am looking forward to one day meeting...I bet if we pre plan , we can get a majority of the groups together and try for a 3 boat booze cruise.....the one great thing about coming home from temptations is knowing that you have many more people to meet....lets hope we can do that one day..enjoy your holiday weekend
It was great meeting you and Chris and all the CC people. We had a wonderful time and I am sure it wouldn't have been the same without you guys. Until next time............ Tiff & Jon
It was great to meet you guys too! Haven't had a school girl look at me like that for a lonnnnggggg time. And thanks to everyone else too... I'm beginning to feel it more again so if I can sit still for very long, ended up flying down to Dallas right after I got back and am headed home tomorrow.., maybe I can get started on the report before I have to go back to TTR again. Jamie
quick witted or what ?? we tried to get one over on jamie. surprized him with a penis straw for his drink. not missing a beat he reverses the straw and was chasing a few ladies in the pool with his new pecker squirt gun.