Cold but not even a flurry here.....I can still see grass....and I think im lucking out, when were supposed to get snow wednesday, ill be on my way to Daytona...for once luck is on my side haha
Well I think its safe to say you will not be putting the top down on that car today lol... Yeah The Daytona 500 is always in February, im sure its usually a bit warmer, but from what i can see it should be in the mid 60's on race day...I was hoping for a bit warmer, but i guess i can wait for april in mexico
We ended up with 28.5 inches. Second biggest total in Philadelphia history. I am sure that is nothing to you canadians. I shoveled all day but I don't see any ab improvement. However my back looks like The HULK. I think I am good for workouts now until the 24th departure.
ohhh gotcha. yeah i dont know anything about racing. I mean.... they go in a circle.... its kinda predictable as to whats going to happen. Jeff Dunham "They're making a left turn..... OH LOOK!!!! They are making a left turnnnnn". lol. They actually just build a racetrack where i live. Never seen it yet though. Dont go that way.
They just had a race today..Bud Shootout!! My girl friend Danica was racing!!! LMFAO!! Sorry in my dreams!!! :liebe011:
i dont remember what its called.... something like millville motorsports racetrack. or something gay.... err i mean something! lol