I stay away from draft beer. It gives me a bad headache! Water...ummm NO WAY Double shots.... great idea! This way I get more alcohol and a little less other stuff. Hmmm Long Island Ice Tea. I have not had one of those in 8 years. I swore up and down I would Never drink those again after having my first and only long island ice tea. I was so drunk after one big drink. This just might do the trick for me. I like to have a good time on vacation and nothing like a long island ice tea to help me relax. I am a teacher and relaxation is required while on vacation.
Try the Seabreeze. It's vodka, grapefruit juice with a splash of cranberry (or grenadine, depending on who makes it)...very yummy and light and not as sweet as some of the drinks they make. Cheers, Janice
Skittles and drinks? We read somewhere in here about someone using skittles to decide what drink to have,give the bartender a certain color skittle and have him make a drink that color,anyone know what thread that was in,cannot find it again! Also put us down for drunken monkees!!!
I am a bartender and if your watching your weight and calories or if you dont want to feel bloated or too full, i always recommend Captain and diet coke. It pretty refreshing and it will hit you. just recommend you dont mix with anything after you start with it or you will feel it the next day. other then that, its all about staying away from all the sugar drinks, thats what will make you feel full, bloated and sick.
whiskey, straight or a whiskey sour always works for me. Few calories, and it only takes a few to get you going.
I noticed this article on mixing drinks with diet soda...if you believe it, you'll get drunk faster mixing with diet soda than with regular. At TTR, maybe that's a good thing? Your mileage may vary... Mixing diet soda with alcohol gets you drunk faster: study - NY Daily News
Paloma (No Salt) = Tequila with Grape Fruit Juice & Fresca Awesome drink, no bloating, no hang overs, takes two or three to get used to the taste but after that it is smooth sailing