Just finished sitting my stuff aside and i thinki maybe ok. I limited the amount of shoes im bringing as i know i will not wear most of thema and and i packed lighter clothing and i still have room to close it.
Buy and bring a cheap digital fish scale w/ you. That way, all doubts and extra charges will forever be eliminated!! Take it from experience folks!! See in 6 days!!:huepfen013::huepfen013:
Check your weight before you go, then you can move stuff around if need be. I'm talking about a small hand held digital scale
A tip on the shoes - wear your heaviest ones to travel & take 1/2 as many pairs than you think you need. We aren't looking at your feet anyways girls :icon_cool:
We have identical bags...my bag was over and Karen's was under...they were going to charge me but after some convincing they allowed us to throw some stuff in her bag until mine was under as well!!!! They do NOT let you combine weights for one large bag...
Our problem is we have to pack for 2 weeks (terrible he he he) and we only get 15kgs...Les had to pay extra to take it up to 20kgs each. Will leave underwear (apart from lingerie night) /shoes (who cares)/ morals (lost them ages ago) behind.... Lynfa x
theres always one girl that will say omg those shoes so dont match that outfit.But then again you have to factor in the ability to walk in them when your hammered and them not hurting your feet and weather you can dance in them cause its not safe to walk around the bar area with bare feet....ewwwwwww!!!