Wull remain part time cloudy, witha lot of showers and rain plus no very friendly ocean for at least 5 more days.
sunny morming until noon when sky got cover by coluds and sun has not come back again, is very hot and with high humidity due to somw quick sowers yesterday. Ocean is in calm and friendly
Yes it is getting very close. Do you think I can lose 20 lbs in 12 days???? Be honest! :lol: Let the countdown begin!!! :lotsofmichaelf: :daveandmo: :daveandmo: :daveandmo:
Hell I am trying to lose 4lbs before I go and I just don't think I am going to make it. I like to eat and drink too much.
Same here buddy. I had Thai food today and I know that my dish was not good for my diet. Oh well, we are what we are.