Weather Forcast from Cancun I show Partly Cloudy 90 but with the humidity it feels like 102 degrees with the UV factor at 6 (moderate) and humidity is currently at 66%
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Sorry it's the weather again I'll be going to cancun in 3 days now and like everybody else i've been getting worried about those dam weather reports. It says it's thunder storms and showers all week next week and im getting really worried now. :cry: I was hoping to escape the rain from England and get a nice tan but sods law it will be red hot in England when i go. I do plan to make the most of my trip what ever the weather but im really hoping for sun as it's my first time in mexico. Does anybody know what the weather will be like in Cancun. :?:
Ali, Hot and beautiful. Don't worry... It will be nothing like English weather. I promise.... Just go and enjoy yourself. Jamie
It can't be any worse than the weather we've had here. We had about 30 tornados rip thru here last Sunday!
Thanks for that guys :wink: I've been reading a lot of these weather posts and it seems like you can't trust the weather forcast. Im gonna stop looking at it now and wait until i get there. honest :roll: No matter what, im gonna have a fab time! :lol: Ali x