
Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by molson09, May 4, 2004.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,278 / 14
    Ok, we are now geting back to some kind of normality. Blue skies here again, a few clouds around but nothing to worry about for now. Temp only 77F though.

    Dont forget you can see the current sky at my webcam site:
  2. Chidan

    Chidan Guest

    +0 / 0
    Raining in December

    Does it rain much in Dec? I'm going into town then. Probably late Dec.
  3. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    No, December is not rainny seasson here.

    Some Decembers are even hot and sunny and out worst problem are the norths, strong wind blowing from the north cooling ocean and pools but there is no way to know if this year we will have many or not.
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,278 / 14
    Very nice weekend and today is looking great too. Havent had any rain in the last 3 days and plenty of blue sky and sunshine. A light breeze at the moment and 85F at 12:12pm local time.
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,278 / 14
    Monday hot and sunny again, no rain in sight, little breeze to speak of. Temps have been up to 87F during the day but right now at 9:42pm local time it's 82F.
  6. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    today it has been sunny since 10 AM we have some fresh air from the north (1st cold front) and ocean has been changing from comfortable to wavy.

    Want to add that this is a special month to see plant Marte the 30 of October will be in the closest position to earth but you can see it res, bright and big since 20 days before and after and will not notice difference if you are not using a telescopio.

    In Cancun the best hour to watch it is mid night and you can not miss it as its red color is very bright.

    I am using a telescope and can even see the frozen left polar zone.
  7. jjfcpa

    jjfcpa Guest

    +0 / 0
    Tuesday - 10/18/2005

    Weather today was spectacular! Started out sunny and stayed pretty much that way most of the day. Some clouds blew in around 1:00 but thinned out by mid-afternoon and sun was breaking through most of the day.

    Temps were in the upper 80's to low 90's I'd guess, and there was a pretty strong (around 10-15 mph) easterly breeze most of the day.

    At 5:30 (current time), the seas have calmed considerably and so has the wind.

    Still waiting to see if hurricane Wilma will nip Cancun or Cuba or go right through the Yucatan Channel and miss them both.

    We're here for another week and we decided to take our chances instead of cutting our vacation short.

    All in all, a super Cancun day!
  8. Stephy

    Stephy Guest

    +0 / 0
    Im a little nervous here..... my sister left this morning with the attitude its only a tropical storm, now its a hurricane at a level 5. Can anyone tell me when they think it will hit cancun, what day i mean, unless it goes off course (hoping hoping hoping).. but boy do i wish i was in cancun its been 1 1/2yrs :(
  9. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    real chances are that 90% for sure we will experience hurricane winds, highe ocean, 2 to 5 mts waves, etc.

    How hard we will be hit or how close to the eye we will remain is uncertanley as the discussion now after public advisory 18A says that the models have not been working in the forcast.
  10. lindat

    lindat Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ana, please...get your family to a safe place!!
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