
Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by molson09, May 4, 2004.

  1. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    After 4 days of awesome weather and out of schedule a north (cold front) ht us at mid nights with a heavy rain. Cloudy Monday morning run very slow and the sun playing “peek a boo” was out 3 or 4 times in the entire day for few minutes. Temp went down to 79° and we still have strong wind blowing from the north. Ocean is very rough, bumpy and wavy and ports or piers (Cancun and PDC) were close today to minor embarkations.

    Regarding sea lice, where my daughter catch it was in open waters around KM 12, not in the bottom of the 7 or not in front IM. This time vinegar didn’t work and the lice keep spreading in her back and neck so we begin to give her an oral antihistaminic ( Avapena) yesterday and she feels better today and a lot less itchy and taking control of the scratch.

    I am visiting my parents and making a quick visit to Texas for shopping from tomorrow until the 03 of April so Steve is back in charge of the weather reports.
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    +7,268 / 14
    Yes Boss :wink:
  3. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
  4. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Weather today was great, I did not went out to se the exact temp because I came back of vacations with a cold and temperature and ther is some soft wind blowing from the north. The ocean was smooth with some little waves and few clouds running away from us. Low humidity and warm weather.
  5. deeker

    deeker Guest

    +0 / 0
    could someone please let me know how much it cools during dusk and evening?

    Thanks in advance!
  6. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Great wehater continue :arrow:

    The sun is out in a clear blue sky warming the ocean and getting burn to all the people in the beach, temp has rise to 93° in the shadow plus the humidity factor that has been in the last couple of days high.

    The ocean is very calm and soft, no wind at all.

    Deeker; At this seasson Cancun do not cool at night, the lowest you can expect will be around 85° and will get higear as the summer aproach.
  7. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Great wheather, sunny with temp around 90° and a soft breeze from the NE, humidity is high and pools are warm. Ocean is calm and friendly.
  8. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Nice sunny day, around 92° at noon, clear blue sky a clean fantastic view of Isla Mujeres (fog is gone) very high humidity make you feel sticky and sweat all day long and no breeze or air. Palm trees in front the ocean lookd like a picture.

    Ocean is very calm and friendly, heading to the west and sharing its space with waves, boats, surfers, divers, etc.
  9. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Last night we had some showers after 11 PM, today is sunny with norht east wind blowing and making a lot of waves on the ocean, sky is clear with a few white, big, puffy clouds hanging in the back and not moving like pictures.

    Temp was at noon around 90° with high humidity ans mid to strong wind
  10. mitchellfam

    mitchellfam Guest

    +0 / 0
    oooo can't wait to be there next week!!!

    Thanks Ana!
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