
Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by molson09, May 4, 2004.

  1. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    We have a beautiful morning with clear sky and the north wind has turn into a fresh breeze, the sun is up and shinning. Temp 80°
  2. TT

    TT Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ana, was that 80 at the time of your post (9am?) or the expected high?

    (Or does it reach the high that early?)
  3. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    It was the temp registred at open sun in front of my house 5 minutes before I post.
  4. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    a fresh morning with some southe east wind, ocean looks a little bumpy, sky is partial cloudy but the sun in shinning. 81° in the shadow.
  5. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    We have an amzing and incredible day, the ocean looks like a picture without waves or movement and showing all kind of blues and greens. The sky is 100% clear, no wind :shock: at all.

    Temp is 83° in the shadow and everybody is out in their boats, waves, etc.

    A perfect Cancun Sunday
  6. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    After a few nigh showers on Tuesday and Wednesday the sky has clear. Last night the temperature raised and the humidty due to the rains was very high.

    Today we have clear sky, friendly and calm ocean with Norwegian Cruise docked between IM and Cancun, sun shining, low humidity and not a single blow of air.

    Beware Sea Lice seasson is about to begin. :arrow:
  7. Derik

    Derik Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ana, I love your reports

    I love your weather reports!! I check every day to see if there is a new one!! We are coming down on the 26th to the BBG with my wifes folks and mine! I read your weather reports to help pass the time!! I have a question for you though! I see you put up a warning about the sea lice!! Yuck are they already showing up? Last year we came down the week before and we snorkeled every day but one I was feeling sick with the "revenge" and had no problems with the sea lice! Is it a big diffeence for a difference of a week or do they just show up when they feel like it!! One more question for you! can you buy the Sea Safe lotion down there if we hear that they are around? Thanks I hope it was Ok to ask you this in the weather section? - Derik
  8. Sparkey

    Sparkey Guest

    +0 / 0
  9. Derik

    Derik Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks - Sparky

    Thanks sparky! I can't wait to get down there again! I clicked your link and it was to a recent post about kids and doing stuff with them!! Nothing about sea lice but good reading none the less! I don't care if they are there or not when we get there they just better move over or enjoy giving me the rash because you will not be able to keep me out of the water!! Only one week to go and we will be outta here!! Thanks - Derik
  10. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Re: Ana, I love your reports

    Thank you Derik; Sea lice begins in the end seasson of cold fronts and last until the first warm rain of spring. We had this week a notification from swimmers on open water that catch sea lice in depth water; fo us that means that maybe in 3 weeks we will have it here.

    Yes you can find sea safe I do not know if is the same brand but is works.
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