Friday; Very cloudy with strong high light storm and some rain. Nos at 10:00 PM local time you can see a clear sky with all the stars and a bright moon, also a very high humidity due to rain.
We are leaving DFW Friday moring for Crown Paradise. It was 98 here in Dallas today, so I think it will feel cooler in Cancun!! :lol: :bigwave:
Today we have a sunny and hot morning then it got partial cloudy around 3 PM and remain like that until night. Wind did not blow all day long and the hot plus humidity feel high and strong.
Ana, I have to say... your reports are RIGHT ON!! The weather while we were there was awesome to say the least. It did rain one day for about half the day... but it was refreshing, light, and did not stop a thing! The heat was strong.. but not unbearable.. breezes were much enjoyed and appreciated. Most rain that did come (only a few times) was over in 5 - 10 minutes and sun back out blazing. Thank you so much for what you do to inform us crazy americans that sometimes believe everything we see on the weather channels <g>