
Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by molson09, May 4, 2004.

  1. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Port Orange, FL
    +1,168 / 5
    And here I thought you let him sleep in the mornings....

    One or two left? He's gone through 56 oz of lime juice in 2 weeks? You're right, he uses more than anybody I know... :shock:

  2. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    That was our secret, Scott...I was just coming in to grab some food for us to take back to his house. Shopping was sort of neglected while I was there...amnd besides, I paid for the all-inclusive and only ate one meal a day there.

    So the way I figure it, they owed it to me to feed me and Dany at least one morning!

    And Jamie,

    We did sleep inthe mornings...for a bit anyway. Then it was off to lunch. By the end of the 12 days, I thinkthe waiter at El Timon knew what I wanted before I even ordered it!

    And he has been sharing the lime juice! But he has definitely used mor than his share!

  3. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Nice secrets Karan, enjoy every minute of them :wink:

    Today was really hot at sunny at morning until 1:35 that from nowhere a strong rain appears at HZ and last 10 minutes, after some cluds remain so the afternoon was partialy sunny and more humid.
  4. PedroSophiaEk

    PedroSophiaEk Guest

    +0 / 0
  5. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Nope, just in front my house....that is what make it so awsome and fantastic.

    I still see a lot of Garzas, Pelicans, flamingos, ducks and albatros flying above the ocean.
  6. PedroSophiaEk

    PedroSophiaEk Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ducks too?

  7. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    yes, some at the sea and some at the golf course that is in my backyard.
  8. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    :( Cloudy and kind of dark (a common london day) with strong wind blowing for seconds from the north and rainy..... not all the time but most of it.

    The sadest issue is that with so much clouds you are not able to see the great and diferent colors or the sea.
  9. KrisKC

    KrisKC Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm a little nervous about the weather for next week.... what does it say down there because all I can get is cloudy/rainy for the entire week I am there :cry:
  10. PedroSophiaEk

    PedroSophiaEk Guest

    +0 / 0
    A strong (for 20minutes) rain .....

    EVERYWHERE IN CANCUN!!!!!! I was at the airport at 5:30 and was raining... and then i drive at 6:30 to the fiesta americana condesa and there were water poddles everywhere...

    But thats good.. after this strong rain, is hard to have another one
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