We were robbed :(

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Steve, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. elleboogs

    elleboogs Regular Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    That really sucks Steve - same thing happened to us 3 years ago...My wedding band was taken too! PLUS our credit cards, thank goodness they were my cdn cards. Anyways, we are pretty sure it was the construction workers down the street as the first charge to my card at Wal-Mart was about 30mins later, then a jewleria an hour later. No one saw anything - of course, and the workers were not the same ones the next day.

    Good luck sorting everything out :)
  2. CancunMole

    CancunMole Addict Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    My sympathies are with you. I know how you feel as we too were robbed last month. Seems they gained access via a 2ND floor window using fairly high planters as stepping stones. We were out on a Sunday evening for only 4 hours when it happened so think that someone must have been watching....

    We didn't lose as much as you: a laptop that was on its way out, some US Cash and a cheap digital alarm clock but no damage other than the cut and ripped screen.

    The Policia responded quickly but as of yet with no results which doesn't really surprise me under the circumstances. I contacted our Insurance Agent, Sr. Lobo, the next morning and the Adjuster arrived that very afternoon.

    We immediately began on preventive measures. We had a safe installed that can hold a laptop or two plus cash etc, outside motion lights on the two 'dark' sides and a "Protector" on the window that was used for entry.

    Can't live in fear and knowing that this can and does happen anywhere still doesn't take away the feelings of hurt, invasion and sadness thinking that someone felt it necessary to do it......

    ETA: They left my web cam behind too although it was out as well which I thought was strange.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Thanks for the kind comments all.

    Jannet was at the police station all evening yesterday then again this morning. We waited up until midnight last night without touching anything for the fingerprint people to come, they never did.

    We have one police guy on a 5,000 peso reward to get our computers back within a week. He came and spent about an hour at the house today and intends to interview the guy that washes our car, he was washing other cars in the street yesterday when we left. Also he'll be checking out the known suspects of the area. None of our neighbours saw or heard anything suspicious. We are sure that the thief must have been watching when we left, we were only gone 90 mins

    They gained access by using bolt cutters to cut either side of the padlock on our security gate that covers the patio doors at the rear of the house. 1/4 steel cut like butter. Then they forced the sliding glass door that was also locked.

    A couple of worrying things.
    The police guy found some markings on our wall that were in code. Now, I know that all sorts of 'genuine' people seem to take liberties writing crap on your wall here, like the water inspectors and others but this code appeared to be unusual to him. It was a cross with numbers written in each quadrant 2, 1 ,1 (2 adults, 1 child, 1 car???) and some other symbols.

    We also discovered a plastic blister pack that had been tossed away empty in our front garden that from reading the writing on the packaging contained three (yes three ??) knuckle dusters which had razor blades embedded extendable via a thumb switch. Of course, these two things could be totally unconnected.

    I think we got lax on security, not hiding valuables properly etc. Of course in your own house you shouldnt have to, but I think we will be more careful from now on. Lesson learned.
  4. rockrgrrrl

    rockrgrrrl I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2008
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    That is really creepy. I'd be scared out of my mind!
  5. jenleib

    jenleib Addict Registered Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Steve, that's scary.... so danger exists here!

    I am so sorry for you, I know how you feel, I have been robbed in Paris (not here... yet), but I also was a bit lax. So lesson learned for me too.

    I have a safe (a heavy one, 300 kgs, so no much risk), and my jewellery (most of it), money and papers are in it. But of course not my computers.

    And I have an alarm installed, but it is not enough, I started to turn it on today, even when out to Walmart and at night (my windows are open). Not paranoid, just cautious. I have security and I didn't use it, unless I am out of the country, that is not responsible, problems don't occur only to others.

    I hope you find at least your computers, and the police can figure out those codes. Neighbors never hear anything. When my tenant broke the 3 locks at the door and the windows, nobody noticed anything. "no se quieren meter", that's a problem.
  6. Cancun Couple

    Cancun Couple Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Steve. We have those same markings on our walls, and were informed that they are from the people that spray for Mosquitoes. They mark the homes so that they know how many people live there etc. We actually have 3 sets as we have multiple houses.

    if I get the chance I will go and verify this with them. In the mean time, I am going to take a measure or 3 more around here.

    For those of you who do NOT own dogs, you might want to consider one. A mid size dog in general is more than enough to keep the bad guys out.
  7. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    I know some of you may scoff, but our neighbourhood joined "Vecinos Vigilantes" a few months back and it seems to be working well. Everyone is watching out for each other, we all know a little more about each other, people are staying on top of replacing light bulbs etc, we have semi-regular meetings and hired a security guard for the street. We've all got referee whistles and instructions to start blowing if we see anything suspicious. If we hear the whistle, we are to grab ours and start blowing. We had a couple of practice runs and it worked. Then, we had the "Real Thing". A neighbour saw someone trying to break into a window of a place across the street. He started blowing, suddenly there were 20 of us with whistles blowing and chasing the almost burglar down the street. He didn't get in and he must have told his friends that we're watching, as far as I know there haven't been any incidents since then on our block. I feel safer knowing that the neighbourhood is sticking together. Doesn't mean that we are going to be crime free, but it's just another protective barrier.

    Here's the organization (it's like Neighbourhood Watch of course)....

  8. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Congratulations CC!! Waiting for someone else to do it just doesn't get it. And congratulations to your neighbours!! They are the good kind--not all want to get involved.
  9. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Jim, it was a really nice surprise to have everyone come together. A few folks have owned their places here for 20 or 30 years and decided they didn't want to see the neighbourhood fall apart around them.
  10. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    No sign of our stuff and keep finding other things that have gone missing. Today we found they stole our old (broken) Sony digicam... strange they left the newer one that was actually attached to one of the laptops they nicked. It's a tiny thing though so probably they didnt recognise it for what it was. Idiots!

    Also treated myself to a new Dell desktop, wont be here until 1st April though. Having worked off laptops for years I'm going to be really spoilt with this new system 24" HD screen, quad core, 4 gigs and great graphics card.... just hope it stays in the house long enough to enjoy it.

    Most people in our street tend to keep themselves to themselves, while we are on nodding terms with everyone we dont really know anyone well other than Tom who's across the street. I like to think that we all look out for one another, I know I certainly do and am sure Tom does. The couple next door (one is a politician and had some problems a year or so ago) have a security guard but he's only on duty during the hours of darkness. Sometimes though, the security guards are not that honest themselves.
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