We make some really hot ___. Always bring several jars to the staff, we can't sell it any more in our state because of dumb laws. Made 9 gallons last year. any body brave enough to try it thats going in May? Will try to bring as much as posible, no charge or course, worth it just to see your reaction. Terry
OK... well I was going to say "I'll bite" but thought better... so what is it that is sooo hot? Jamie
Hot pepper sauce, use about 40 kinds of the hottest peppers, very HOT!!!!We been taking it to the waiters, bartenders, Mario and premier staff for years( although the premier staff may not get any this year) Lalo could eat a spoon full with out even finching, not seen many people that could do that. Mario already told me we had better bring him a jar! Terry
sauce you will have to mail me one....I love hot sauce, I brought some back from this trip, but not quite as hot as i normally like....
Isn't bringing hot sauce to Mexico, like taking ice to eskimos? :lol: Bring me one please, I'm sure I will make good use of it in small quantities.
Yea alot of people can't believe that we can make really hot sauce in the states, Will bring you jar. Terry