We are not just a BBG board! Votes Please!

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Steve, Feb 24, 2003.


Shall we have a new 'BBG Lounge' Forum???

  1. Yes - Good idea

  2. No - Leave it as it is

    0 vote(s)
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  1. luvthesun

    luvthesun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Great Idea, as I just left a post regarding BBG, but also Cancun in general during Cinco De Mayo. Hope you can do this since I just booked & chatting/posting on the message boards gets me pysched for my trip!
    Love this site & thanks!
  2. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    Just as a point of clerification, I'm a moderator of the board only. I don't have access/approval to do anything but moderate, which is essentially deleteing inappropriate posts, keeping things civil, and the like.

    Steve owns 100% of the board and makes ALL decisions as to what happens with the board. At times we have discussed issues related to the board, however, ALL decisions are up to Steve.

    I just wanted to state that so that everyone was clear as to what my role really is.


    BTW....thanks to each and every one of you for making my job so easy! You guys are extremely civil to one another and present your opinions in a very adult manner.
  3. Kaye from Chicagoland

    Kaye from Chicagoland Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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    Chicago, IL - USA
    +0 / 0
    I tend to agree with Dave - enough said!

    Whatever the decision, I'll still be around. I would just hope that the BBG posters would post on the other board as well to keep the flow of conversation. I would hate to see the general Cancun information take a second place (which may discourage newcomers). I think generally - by observing the other boards as well as this one - most people like reading the reports and comments of BBG repeat offenders.

    Kaye :D
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Thanks for all the input it's certainly a tough one, looks like the vote started off very much in favour of a separate BBG lounge and is now starting to even out a little. I think we'll leave it running a while and hopefully get more input.

    The reasons Dave cited are pretty much what I was fearful of when the issue was discussed a month or two back. I'd hate to see all the BBGers stick to one forum, the non BBGers stick to another and never the twain shall meet. I feel the non BBG posts might start to dry up which self perpetuates itself as there's less to read and less opportunities to contribute leading to less and less new info and reports. The opposite is also true as the more BBG posts there are the more people come here to do their BBG researchand the more posts are produced but I certainly dont want the board to develop into a BBG only board.

    I'm also wondering if those voting for a BBG board are those that are BBGers who feel they dont want to offend non BBGers by seemingly dominating the board, rather than non BBGers who want to see fewer BBG posts.

    Hmm, maybe I should have put a few more options in the polls, but we'll let it run a little longer before deciding.
  5. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well, Steve, now that you asked...I will admit to voting for a BBG lounge for the main reason of not wanting to offend the other board members by dominating the board with posts that relate mostly to BBG.

    Whatever which way you decide is fine by me. I personally read and sometimes post on all the threads, not just the ones relating to BBG and will continue to do so--even if they are on two different forums.

  6. Dave & Mo

    Dave & Mo Guest

    +0 / 0
    I've never seen any negative posts about BBG posts. I don't think they offend anyone and I don't think anyone looks at them strictly as BBG posts but as Cancun hotel experiences... regardless of hotel. I know I do.

    There are a lot of Cancun experiences (regardless of what hotel you are staying at) that are similar..... tipping stuff, taxi stuff, bus stuff, restraunt and club experiences.... etc, etc. Anyone interested in Cancun can gleen a lot of info from posts about any hotel that will have some relevence to their own stay..... the information they gleen may direct them toward or away from a particular hotel... that's what people are looking for... information.

    If their is a seperate "lounge" for one particular hotel then only people interested in That hotel will visit. As I said in my previous post I don't think that we will ever stay at the BBG (because of the beach primarily) but I wouldn't have known about the beach had I not seen a lot of BBG posts.... I also know that there are a lot of activities, restraunts, etc that I would enjoy there.... from reading posts about BBG...

    I know a lot of information about a lot of Cancun hotels... some I think I would like and others I think I would not... I've gotten this information from reading a "consolidated" Cancun board.

    Just my 2 cents .... again..... sorry for the rant.

  7. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Dave, I dont regard it as a rant at all, on the contrary- constructive opinion from someone who whilst not a BBG fan doesn't find a problem with the BBG posts. You're right they do often contain a lot of supplementary, generic info about Cancun that is as appropriate to all who visit here and you're right again when you say it helps people decide where they dont want to stay as well as do. That is a primary aim of the board - for users to make informed decisions based on their own perosnal priorities from the information available.

    I have had some honest feedback though from people who have referred friends here that some are put off by the large number of BBG posts, I guess they're not around to express an opinion :lol:

    I suppose the ideal situation would be to get more non BBGers to post on the main 'Cancun Info' board, that would help thin the BBG posts and create a wider view, however, I dont have any strategies for that!

    Any ideas?
  8. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    One solution to the problem would be for me or anyone else for that matter, to start an unofficial BBG website with a message board. There clearly is a need for one.

    I think most people understand that topless optional and clothing optional resorts cater to a niche market. Perhaps I should capture that market online with a separate site. I'm sure there's some re-peat offenders out there who'd be willing to help out with something like that.

  9. Sexy Suzie

    Sexy Suzie Guest

    +0 / 0

    You might be on to something. Maybe a good palce to start is a poll to find out just how many repeat offenders there are who visit this site. If numbers warrent, the next step might be to then design a board that caters to these people. The long term aim might be to strengthen the community through access to the board. You also gotta believe that the resort itself, as a large beneficiary, would be willing to support the project in some arms length fashion.

    Steve, we visit other boards whose overrall scope is quite wide (like yours), within which there are "sub-boards" run and/or moderated by semi-independant groups or individuals. Yours is such a well run and professionally maintained board I think most people would agree that remining part "Cancun Care" would have definate value added. Maybe a stand alone Web Site, but with a prominant link on the "Cancun Care" main page ?
  10. Dave & Mo

    Dave & Mo Guest

    +0 / 0
    I retract any objections that I have previously posted. I, for one, would much prefer a "BBG Lounge" area to seeing an "exodis" of the BBG'rs to a new board.

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