I've posted photos and the story in my blog for anyone who hasn't checked it yet. We've been waiting for the right situation so we can adopt a dog off the street and we found it. This dog is a real charmer. Not much of a guard dog since he only weighs 11 kilos (25 lbs). On the other hand when he jumps up on me he doesn't knock me on my butt, which is nice. Canuck, now we can go for dog walks together...
Only two more pictures! Please post more! So happy for Sam. He gets, um, "excited" when you pet him? Funny. He looks so happy. Looking forward to more updates.
Big dog lover here,I'm very glad you adopted.I know this is a happy thread but I have a small story.On my way to work this morning I seen 2 dead dogs on highway,hit by vehicle(s).Very sad.Please anyone who reads this,keep your dogs off the road.Very disturbing and I hear stories all the time. Sorry if I am wrong saying this.
RiverGirl, I’m so proud of you!!!!! Being parents to a rescue Dog is so rewarding. I too have a rescue Dog, although I didn’t bring my rescue Dog back from Mexico. He has become my best friend, follows me everywhere. :evil: :lol: He is so smart as well. I love him so much I don’t know what I would do with out him. Please post more pics of Sam. He is a very handsome boy. Here is some pic's of Jackson, he thinks he is a 90lbs lap dog :roll:
Thanks everyone! Sam is a great dog and we love him more the better we get to know him. I will post more pix as soon as I take some worthy ones.
Awww, yay Sam! He's a lucky doggie going to a great family. Enjoy! (He's probably a bit easier to deal with than a puppy, haha!) When Lola grows a bit more we'll do some doggie walking. Right now she still falls through the cracks in the sidewalk. Here's our rescued baby....