watching the Olympics on TV

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by TraceyUk, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Thanks for the advice, would love to be on Dish TV, unfortunately i'm on a 2 year Sky contract that i can't get out of so unless i want to pay for both i have to lump it for a while! If you could send me a PM with an idea of how much dish TV cost you (Setup and monthly) i would really apprecaite it so i can workout the soonest possible that i can get it. Another thing is, can you HD channels through Dish or do you have to be in America, probably makes no difference where you are as it's satellite, right? Also when you say enhanced menus, is that proper interactive TV, not like the rubbish they have here where you can just get text info that is actually worse than the teletext you had in the UK 20 years ago, where you can select what event you want to watch?
  2. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    Hey jen,

    An hour and a half.

    Alex Schwazer of Italy won the gold medal in the 50km walk with an Olympic record today, beating Australia's Jared Tallent. He finished in 3 hours 37 minutes 09 seconds, slicing 1min 20sec off the 20-year-old record. Tallent finished 2min 18sec minutes behind the winner.

    What athletes these guys are. They must hit the ground with their heels only and with the leg straight upon contact with the ground.

    I couldn't walk 50 km in 3 1/2 days, let alone 3 1/2 hours.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    The Aussies are just sore losers! My brother in law is an Aussie and they hate it when the Motherland does better than they do.

    Rebecca Adlington definitely wasn't sitting down when she won the 400m freestyle. Then a second gold in the 800m, winning by more than 6 seconds and taking 2 seconds off a World record that has stood since before she was born.

    Proud to say she's from just 10 miles up the road from where I am.
  4. CancunGringa

    CancunGringa Guest

    +0 / 0
    I watched the beginning of the Olympics on Mexican t.v. in Cancun and now the past week I have been glued to the t.v. here in the U.S. while here visiting and I agree that Mexico's coverage was not good and I agree with Susan that NBC is doing a good job of covering all sports and athletes.

    I was thrilled to watch Michael Phelps win 8 golds but they've been giving nearly as much hype to all the great athletes worldwide such as the awesome performance of Jamaica's Usain Bolt breaking records in track.

    I'm sad that the Olympics are coming to a close, with my only consolation being that Jimmy Page will be playing during the closing ceremonies. :)
  5. YamYamMan

    YamYamMan Guest

    +0 / 0
    Awesome performance by Becky...... 2012 will be a bit special I think....

    My mates daughter plays Hockey for Cannock extremely special talent for her age already plays senior games as a younster, she is being fast tracked with 2012 in mind.... Will definately be going either way as company I work for has just landed a huge contract for the event :D
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