Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Jim and Kathy in Ohio, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    It would be an act of God if they actually took the time to contact people.

    Sure they come off as being all helpful to you when you stand in front them. Letting you hear what you want a hear and in the end you go back home feeling better. But reality is your out of sight and out of mind to them as soon as you walk out the door.

    They have a major problem and they won't do a damn thing for you unless your willing to pay them. Which I find completely crazy for them to even dare ask you for more money. Why would anyone give them more money?? Why would you believe that the new system won't fail on you?? If that fails then what, more money? If you went and bought a new BMW and came to pick it up and a Chevy Cobalt was waiting for you and the dealership said for 4K we can fix this issue and give you big story would you give them the 4K???? No, you would never stand to be treated like this.

    I don't care who is to blame. No one is stepping forward and they won't. Plain and simple it was FRAUD. Weather it was attended to be or not that is the end result. If anyone actually cared, all it would take is about four or five people to get together and hash out a plan to fix the issues and come out with a way to carry it out to the members it effects. Sure it may cost them some money but that is also part of doing business when you screw up. Bottom line if anyone cared this problem could easily been solved along time ago.

    If you believe that there is going to be a better system offered to you I think its a hopeless dream unless they're forced to offer a better system for free. They won't admit it but I'm damn well willing to bet everything I own that they truely believe the members live in another country and we are in Mexico, good luck and buyer beware.

    Nick and Renee
  2. soonn

    soonn Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2007
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    watch out premier member

    Nick, you are right on "buyer beware". The management will tell us whatever we want to hear, but the moment we left home they just drop it and forget about us.

    Terry, please believe it, the management and people who work at the resort in sales speak and understand English better than you and a lot of people who are born in US.

    This is a new one. A couple of days ago, I reserve a room for a friend to Temptation as my guests, using one of my week. The reservation is confirmed, and when my friend called to pay for the AI fee, the reservation person told him that there is an additional charge of $49 he must pay because I am not going with him. The $49 is a guest fee, which it is not in the contact. My contact says that I can let any one use my premier week, or rent it to any one of my choosing, and it does not mention any $49 guest fee.

    WTF.... now a guest fee if we rent out the week to others.
  3. pjsplay

    pjsplay Addict Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    Ahhhhh, now I understand how they are going to control that... I asked when I was there in September, how would they know if I rented my days to someone else?? it said in my contract I could do what I wanted with my days?? but they wanted me to "upgrade" to this new contract so to send new people to the resort. I figured I could do what I wanted with the days left on my contract and then be done with it?? Soooooo if I chose to send my daughter and her husband to the resort for a week they would end up paying an extra 49 bucks!!

    *sigh* will it ever end??????
  4. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    My contract I'm not allowed to give any weeks away unless I'm there at the same time.

    Seems funny they'd even care if someone else was using it. Not like they don't get there money. Plus they have another person to sell too.

    Nick and Renee
  5. lowrider86

    lowrider86 Guru Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Getting low on the page again, I really don't have anything new to add, Just wanted this topic on the front page. :flogging: :bash: :huh: :banghead: :bashself: :bash:
  6. handyman

    handyman Regular Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    I haven't sent my payment for this month yet and Premier calls every day and leaves a message. I wonder how many have stopped making payments.
  7. lowrider86

    lowrider86 Guru Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    +49 / 0
    Seems like everyones should, But the Dummies like me paid in full up front. Hindsight is 20 20.
  8. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    You should tell them when they figure out a way you can use all your points over the life time of the contract you'll pay.

    Funny when money is involved they can get a hold of people. But to tell members there contract is now basically worthless, no one can be found to talk too. I'm sure there really worried about the members. :roll:

    Nick and Renee
  9. Roy and Marie

    Roy and Marie Guru Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    So what do we do ? We've stopped making payments and refuse to pay the yearly fee until they come up with a comparable contract to what we signed . I refuse to believe Premier nor would I ever advise anyone to believe a word that they say .We can't use our points for what they were purchased for nor can we get our money back (so far) So what do we do ?
  10. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    Really a lawsuit is the only way anything is going to get solved. Someone needs to take the bull by the horns and meet with a few lawyers that can deal with this type of class action suit. Find out how you'd go about the process.............Is the lawsuit against RCI, Temptations, or both???? File in US, Mexico, or both???? I think I'd highly recommend looking at an international firm with locations in the US and Mexico so that you got both sides of the law covered and no surprises.

    Doesn't cost anything to talk to people. But since RCI sent out letters asking people to sign away there right I firmly believe the members have a solid case against them. Legal staff of RCI had there input on that letter for sure. You don't send that letter out for no cause.

    Someone or a couple people just need to be the leader. Set up a simple website or My Space page and get people together that this effects and keep them updated. I would think you could eaisly find a good 25+ people quite easily and it won't surprise me after a few months 50+ strong on this.

    You never know maybe once the ball is rolling and lawyers are involved the members may get a solution from RCI/Temptations very quickly to this issue. No way they want this in court if there sending out those letters. It might cost some money but with enough members it should keep the amount down that its due able for the people involved. Might even find out little to no money is due upfront. Like I said someone just needs to do the leg work and get the ball rolling.

    Nick and Renee
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