Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Jim and Kathy in Ohio, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. pjsplay

    pjsplay Addict Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    I agree Renee...the way I look at it is when I get down there in September, I will take my current contract and waste another 1/2 day of my hard earned vacation and try to get some answers. If I can trade what I have now for AI days instead of airfare then I am probably saving about the same as my orginal contract, Not so in most of the people's contract. We did not buy a huge (large points) or days contract. Will we still have to pay the yearly fee?? that did come off the AI fee for one of our trips this year.

    If they decide to stay in house so to speak, only the Original resorts, which is why we bought in the first place, we did not intend to use this to travel all over, we just wanted our trips to TTR partially paid for, it would benefit us.....I guess it would depend what you bought your package for??
    As much as I would like to understand what is going on, I think for myself the only way I am going to sort anything out is if I have someone in front of me telling me what is going on....and then again they could just be feeding me what it is they think I want to hear!!!

    Thank you again Chris for trying to get this sorted out.....I just hope our vacation in September isnt already ruined.....
  2. Roy and Marie

    Roy and Marie Guru Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    I totally agree with what you guys are saying . I know I picked apart what Chris has been saying on here . I would just like some honesty from someone at TTR or RCI . I would totally agree to dropping RCI like a hot cake and going only with Original Resorts as long as the price didn't sky rocket and the A.I. fees were included in the price . Chris says that this new package has been in effect since Febuary . Unfortunately we weren't offered a plan like this in May . I realize that Chris has had a lot dumped into his lap ,but, us drunks aren't the problem . Ever Changing Contracts are the PROBLEM .
  3. 12531

    12531 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2007
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    nmarcks I fully agree with you except for the in house membership thing. Those of us who bought RCI points based on the ability to use the airfare perks should have a monetary solution offered if this happens. I personally have a contract that is less than a year old and useless as far as I am concerned. Premier doesn't want to discuss a solution to it either! My letters and emails so far have only gotten one generic unintelligible response so far!
  4. xoie's omah

    xoie's omah Addict Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    A solution for this could be that you trade so many points and it pays so much towards your AI fee. We too purchased a small package...5 years and 5 bonus weeks and honestly only plan to go once a year and bought in with the idea we were basically prepaying for our airfare. Now if they stated use your points towards AI fee and we had to purchase our own airfare we could make that work too.

    Gripe with RCI is I paid my membership fee to them and cannot access the site at this time. We have a family wedding coming up at a points resort and I have called 3 times to be put on hold for over 20 minutes each time before I figured my time was more valuable than sitting there wasting it. So I guess as we don't have a TTR trip planned in the near future and feel confident :shock: that the issue will be fixed by winter, my gripe is more RCI than TTR right now......5 months from now I may be saying differently.
  5. fireonwindcsr

    fireonwindcsr Guest

    +0 / 0

    All the grumblings in this thread are the end result of years of neglect. ALL the problems being voiced here about BBG/Temptations didnt happen overnight.
    Chris, I'm suspicious like everyone else here ( the comment that sales are up 30% is incredible in any market. But who has $25,- $40,000 to spend on a vacation package when all I hear on the news is people worrying about losing their job ).

    However, O.R. members - I think we should let Chris do his job with the understanding that he is trying to get things in order and "clean house".
    Only after a period of time will I shoot the piano player ( just an expression). How long do you need Chris? I'll be in Cancun on Thanksgiving - 10 days - I'd like to meet with you.

    Chris, clearly the problems people are talking about are with sales, contract loopholes, and RCI.
    If a customer negotiates a contract today, they expect that same contract to remain in effect for its lifetime unless the two parties involved ( Mr & Ms Vacationers and Original Resorts ) agree together that they will modify the existing agreement.

    What Roy and others are saying is: "The deal I am getting today is not what I signed on for". For this reason, I believe they have a complaint. THe problem here is: There's no one to complain to but you. Don't take O.R. resorts members criticism personally. Just listen to them and help solve the problem - not fester it.

    Lastly, I for one am willing to give you and the system a chance to make good ( Mexico City didnt happen over night ).

    But its really bad business if you sell me a cadillac for $25 - $40,000 and I get a $200 schwinn bicycle out of the deal. ( Bell not included. Ching Ching )
  6. Roy and Marie

    Roy and Marie Guru Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    On Thurs. 03 July RCI did exactly what they have been saying they would do . They auto. w/drew money from my c.c. for the yearly fees. Now we will see today if I get the runaround from TTR. or will they transfer my points ...
  7. soonn

    soonn Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2007
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    We wish you luck! Hope RCI will lift the max limit on RCI points we can use for purchase air ticket, and / or other RCI point program.

    We also have several million RCI points that we need to use up in 20 yrs. We were at Temptation resort last week of May, and had a meeting with Frank (sales),
    Jesus (sales manager), and
    Chris Oldroyd (Director of Marketing and Operations). They did not let us know that RCI has changed the point program, and put a limit on RCI point we can use for air ticket, or 60K max limit per year.
  8. 12531

    12531 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2007
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    It was put into place in May as best as I have been able to pin down with the vague "they did it" (fingerpointing at each other) info I was able to get from RCI and Premier. I am sure those folks you met with knew about it and just didn't tell you!
  9. 12531

    12531 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2007
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    I did receive a reply today from Profeco Department of Conciliation Services for Foreign Residents. They have requested copies of my ID and proof of what I have paid, so they are looking into the matter. I encourage those of you in this boat to send a letter of complaint to them. Maybe if they hear from enough of us and start investigating it will get Premier real busy on fixing the problem!
  10. soonn

    soonn Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2007
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    I contacted the local news TV station, , and here is the department information they send me, I live in Sacramento area.

    Thank you for contacting Call 3 Problem Solvers.
    Please contact the agency listed below for assistance.

    Consumer Affairs (California State Department of) 400
    R Street (800) 952-5210
    Sacramento, CA 95814-5200 (916) 445-1254
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