Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Jim and Kathy in Ohio, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. Mikenshelley2002

    Mikenshelley2002 Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 7, 2009
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    We will only sign a new contract WHEN everything is in writting. This is why I put into the paperwork items that MUST be included with the AI weeks like no blackout dates, no restrictions and no booking fees. We also want in writting the Members only benefits. These seem to change from year to year and with each resort.

    Beleive me, I will have all my bases covered this time around. No stone left unturned. I wont make that mistake again.

    I let Claire know about this site and thread full of unhappy members. Im curious if they actually come on here and read this stuff. They claim there are just a hanful of unhappy members but from what I can tell thats more like a few thousand!

    Claire did email back and is reviewing my proposal. Time will tell
  2. xoie's omah

    xoie's omah Addict Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    They have so many different contracts out there that I am not suprised that they cannot keep track of who can use what when. When we originally bought the 5 year contract it was with the intention of maybe buying a bigger one at a later date-mostly for the points. Glad we didn't. We have 2 years left on our membership and luckily it has been worth what we paid for it, but will NOT extend or buy another contract.
  3. WildeOrton

    WildeOrton Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    Hi MikenShelley:

    You probably already mentioned this, but how did it come about that you are renegotiating your existing contract with Claire? We will be down there in a week, and I'm curious if I would be well served to take our contract with us and meet with someone on site to go over the benefits, both existing and the ones to come (hopefully). Is Claire located on site at Temptations, or does she have an office somewhere else in Mexico? I'm just wondering if I should pursue this while I'm there as you are now.

    Thanks again and have a great day.

    Greg (and Trish)
  4. handyman

    handyman Regular Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    They will try and work up a new contract every time you go there. Just beware that they will make it to their benefit if you let them.
  5. WildeOrton

    WildeOrton Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    Thanks for the heads-up, Handyman. We'll be sure to keep our eyes wide open.
  6. Mikenshelley2002

    Mikenshelley2002 Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 7, 2009
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    Portland, Oregon
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    Did anyone else get this BS Email? This isnt news to any of us!

    As you probably now know, RCI made the decision to impose a limit of 60,000 points per annum spent on RCI Points Partners and restrict ALL RCI members use of the points partners benefit. While we don't fully understand the reasoning behind the decision, we can only speculate it has to with the cost of flights due to fuel prices.

    Unfortunately, contractually RCI has the ability to alter the program at anytime without any notice - and they have chosen to exercise that right by restricting the ability to book flights for our members using the point partners. Keep in mind any points our members use means RCI is obligated to fill our hotel with guests, so we also had a vested interest in members using up the points they have.

    Please accept our most sincere apologies for the sudden change to the program. Members are still able to fully accelerate the points and use as many points as you wish on the thousands of accommodations and benefits available to you in RCI.

    In the interim, many members have chosen to upgrade and change over to our new program, which relies less on the volatile airline industry and on outside vendors and more on the hotels direct inventory. A general overview is the member pays their airfare but the program adds free All inclusive weeks of vacation as well as bonus studios each year to use, gift or rent. There are several other benefits attached to give our members the VIP treatment they deserve when staying with us in any of the Original Resorts Properties. Please feel free to come and hear the updates on your next visit to any of our resorts so we can explain the changes to you in more detail.

    I will continue to keep you posted on any updates or additional benefits etc in regular newsletters. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or our customer service team.

    Kindest Regards,

    Claire Wright Pedro Vega

    Operations Directors
    Premier by Original Resorts

    Original Resorts
    Blvd Kukulkan Km 3.5 Hotel Zone
    Cancún, Q. Roo, México C.P. 77510
    Toll Free numbers:
    USA 1 877 464 8641
    CANADA 1 866 812 9055
    Mexico 01 800 509 3040

    Please Note: Do not reply directly to this message, which was sent from an unmonitored e-mail address. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
  7. infidel

    infidel Regular Registered Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Qayyarah, Iraq
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    Yeah, I got it early this morning (my time) & was wondering about this particlar sentence-

    "A general overview is the member pays their airfare but the program adds free All inclusive weeks of vacation as well as bonus studios each year to use, gift or rent."

    How much does the "FREE" stuff cost?
  8. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    Nothing like telling everyone in the world the news that basically started the issues. Really on top of that one Premier. :roll:

    Come upgrade??? For another 4K or whatever and then two years from now that can all change again. Then what, another new program to upgrade to??
  9. Mikenshelley2002

    Mikenshelley2002 Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 7, 2009
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    We ARE willing to upgrade to the new program BUT at no cost to us Period. I made this clear to Claire with my email. I am waiting to hear back if they accepted my proposal. Im NOT willing to pay anything out of pocket period! I made that clear as well. Aint gonna happen.

    Dupe me once shame on you,,, dupe me twice sheame on me...Ive never been duped twice
  10. hot4l69

    hot4l69 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    Today I received a post card stating You maybe a member of a class action settlement regarding rci weeks time share program and entitled to benfits. It states a settlemnent has been reached in a class action settlement that claims rci unlawfully rented or otherwisw disposed of time share inventory deposited by members.Of course rci denies any wrong doing.
    At one time we had weeks and was encourged to change to the points.And we did.We wanted points to use for resorts around the country.One time we did get a place in solona beach and it worked out ok I guess.Although we tried to book many other times and places and just got jerked around with waiting list,booking within a time frame and sorry mam you will never get a place like in New England in the summer.You can spend hours jerking around and now I hear they want a fee to do a locate for you.I am heading to the resort this week.Lets see the latest story and what they intend to do to comp people for the mess that has been created.Weather or not rci action was beyond there control THEY still sold the package.
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