I just called to convert some of my nights to points which I've done in the past without any problems. BUT NOW THEY ARE CHARGING $200.00 FOR EVERY 240000 POINTS. I AM SO PISSED OFF. THEY ARE CHANGING THE RULES, THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS. THIS SUCKS. DAMN I AM PISSED OFF.
Breath................................. I know what your talking about. I've been in the program since day one almost. It has changed so much that it isn't even funny. Your not alone in being quite upset with the changes. There is some people that bought in and refuse to even use there nights because of all the changes. When your selling something like that the only changes they make better be for the better on the customer side not the resort's. In all honesty the current plan(or at least a year ago plan) I've seen I don't think even compares to what I bought into when it all started. Bottom line is blame it on RCI when they got in there 100% they F'd it up and have ever since. Org. RCI was only brought in to take care of Plaza Las Glorias (sp?) timeshare crap and really had next to nothing to do with what the BBG was trying to do way back in the hay day. Do you believe when it started you couldn't even talk to the PREMIER people unless you were a repeat guest??? Hard to believe but it was true at one time. Orginally the whole Premier program was strictly to say thanks for your business and give us repeaters a nice discount along with the other perks you currently see in the program. Then after about a year or two at the longest. BBG then let RCI take it over full time and start in with all the changes you see today. I guess it works for some people and some it doesn't. But for the once a year or twice a year vacationer I don't see a whole lot of benefits from it. Under the org. program I can tell you as a couple we save anywhere between $500 to $1,000 total on every trip we take for a week. We stay two weeks and we save about $1,500 on avg. over a travel agent (apple vacations or whatever charter company). I don't think you can say that about the current plan. I feel your pain. The BBG/RCI have made so many changes over the years and many of these changes have been to benefit RCI/BBG and not the customer. Nick and Renee
That is one of the big pitfalls with all timeshares. They change the rules and they increase the monthly or annual fees. Timeshares are marketed all over the world very aggressively because they are extremely profitable for the resorts and the timeshare companies. Caveat Emptor as the saying goes....buyer beware!!!!
Exactly and that is why I say the current plan doesn't seem to save the avg. vacationer much money. Not to mention the current plan with all its points, value of these points, points values compared to other resorts, trade in value towards airline tickets or A.I. fees, etc. etc.. Good lord you need to be a math wizard to figure out if its even saving you any money. That is why I liked the org. plan so much. It really was just a way to say thanks for your business and we would like you to come back. The value that it offered a 10 year old would have no problem telling you that you save money with this plan. After about 6 to 7 one week trips my org. plan paid for itself. After that the next 20 weeks are nothing but savings in my pocket. I think everyone on the org. plan would agree that it was heads above what is offered now as far as money saving goes. I vote they bring back the org. plan for all the great repeaters they built over the years and let the RCI B.S. ride off into the sunset. Nick and Renee
Ok I need a little more information as we have a bunch of points and also weeks at the resort. When you are converting nights to points are you then looking to have the points transfered to your RCI account. We just had them send some of our points to our RCI account in December so we could use them for airfare and there was not a charge to do this. We are just trying to figure out if this is something new as of Janurary. Frank & Bonny
We have also converted nights to points to use for air, RCI has always hit you with a charge of about 50.00 for this but we knew that going in. BBG did not charge us. Will drag out our contract and read it for any varation in the plan..if there is we may need to contract Karan to represent us (as if she needs more reasons to spend time at BBG).
We bought in September of last year, we have just booked our May trip and will be the first time that we have used it, we purchased our airfare separate and did not use points, looks like we are going to save approximately 4 to 5 hundred $$ on the trip overall, compared to what we had been paying for an 8 nighter with the travel agent. But I have seen some other deals offered recently that were really good and if we had used those our savings would not be nearly as much, so I am still trying to figure out if it is worth it or not. I will say that we found the booking simple and easy, and that we were impressed with the service, so far.
Doesn't sound good. But I can't say it's the first time I've heard of rules being changed after purchase of a membership :roll: John still has approx 500 or so "premiernights" sitting there that are not allowed to be resold as originally purchased for. Seems like in days gone by the membership was for the benefit of repeaters, it was almost like a reward. Now it seems there are enough repeaters anyway so it's all about RCI. The way the package is sold now it's almost as if they dont want you to come back to BBG by encouraging you to use your points for other things.
Steve, you are absolutely right on this! We went through the whole RCI speech on our first trip last year and they flat out told us that they would rather you go somewhere else and let them resell our time at BBG so they could make their sales pitch to somebody new. If it were all repeaters there then they would not have anyone to sell to! (BTW we didn't buy!)