Anyways I had to cancel my reservation to the Oasis viva beach hotel because it was booked with the incorrect number of people 2 instead of the 3 we needed. I tried book again and now I come to find out that there is no vacancy. The main reasons we want to stay there is because its all inclusive and from what I understand it is the hotel where all the people who party stay at. So what my question is should I wait to see if a room opens up or should I just find an alternative hotel quickly?
you might want to look at other options. It looks like it is a busy week. I checked a site for you and it looks like the Oasis are booked like you mentioned. it's for 3 adults right?
Yeah for 3 adults. We are flying into Cancun on Monday afternoon and flying out to Cuba on Thursday morning. Flying back to Cancun on Monday morning again and staying at the Oasis Viva Beach from July 21 through the 24. So yeah we really want to stay at Oasis Viva Beach hotel.