Jeff i think that would happen here in the states but the bartenders there enjoy wild women. If for some reason the run out though i will go across the street and get more. LOL
I thought so, but according to Lamoone you need min. of 6 people... so whats it when you do it by yourself...
Fitzher when are you to going to be at TTR? I would like to find all my team mates before we get there. Sounds like you two really enjoy playing and having a great time.
Its practise when your by yourself. LOL. Sounds like your stating a good schedule going before the main event at TTR. LOL. I am with you and also practicing. Practice makes purfect right?
We're arriving tomorrow (March 31) and will be there through April 6th. We've been there twice before, but this time we'll set new heights as we've discovered Cancuncare and have brought fun outfits, three twister boards, and a bag of toys for the April 4th Boobs Cruise. Should make for one hell of a fun album that we can never show anyone back home. Hope we're there a day or two together. Cheers!:birthday:
we are going to miss you by twodays. That's sucks.stay longer if possible.if you can't keep me up to date on your next visit at ttp.
Good deal, we'll see you when we get back from the booze cruise. Looking forward to a good time. It's your first night and we'll be cruisin all day so should make for a fun evening.:azzangel:
Bag of toys................maybe we should do the 4th booze cruise too. Lol still thinking about it. Might play twister too............if bending over doesn't make me woozy.