Count us in. About time a Cancuncare person took the cake. August always seems to be super competitive. Good luck!
Thanks! If you haven't voted please take the few minutes it takes and do so. If we can have your support I know Alisa can win this. She will do a great job representing the board and the resort in the finals. I know 18 days is long time but it seems that every time Alisa closes with in 8 or so, she quickly goes back up by 8-10. Thanks again!
Lol. Same old same old I guess. I just hope that the board members aren't jaded. Especially after the February fiasco. She seems to maintain a 12 vote lead even after alisa closes the gap. Tata check ur inbox. Cancuncare members unite and let's do this!! Every vote matters. Please email the link to at least 2 friends. Thanks again!