I should say you shared the taste test one but not the history of grey goose one. It does upset me a little but damn it, it still tastes good
Titos Handmade Vodka-Austin, Texas. Best Ive had to date. Corn, grains, potatoes......Brands can vary based on distilling and what it's made from. Grey Goose is seriously overpriced. Not a bad vodka, but overpriced.
I love a good dirty martini. Am I going to be out of luck unless I make a new friend that brought the good stuff?
You are both right. Last October you could only get Sky in the Premier bar. I was there last week however and was able to get Sky with a tip a the regular bar.
I liked it and tried it twice and had wicked hangovers the next day both times. I wonder if there is a difference in content that has something to do with it or I just drank too much Too small a sample size to know for sure.
I always though the duty free rule was 1 liter a person. But I just read on the Mexico customs site that it is 3 liters a person so oh boy
I'm quite full of useless information - I read way too many business journals. Glad you found it fascinating! One more for you on the "wine judges are complete frauds" - Wine-tasting: it's junk science | Life and style | The Observer This one did not go over well with my previous boss whose name is on a very well regarded Napa Valley winery -
I have a food saver and pour my wine into the bags and seal them. They pack easy and you don't have to worry about breakage in your luggage.