Been to the piano bar in NYNY. Wife loves piano bars. We were in Key West about 2 years ago and spent just about every night at the piano bar down there. Fun times!
Vegas is always a great time, I have been 6 time in 2012 with another trip planned weekend before christmas. It's all "business" travel, ain't life grand! I have been invited out to Caesar's for the big game but probably won't go, that is an amazing weekend. There is nothing like Vegas on the weekend of a fight or huge sporting event! In my personal life I rarely go, its hard to justify when temptations is SO much cheaper and more fun to boot.
We just got back from Las Vegas tonight - I ran in the Rock n Roll Half Marathon there on Sunday - had a great time!
Thats great!! I had a friend who went down there for that marathon, he said they'd be closing down a bunch streets for that marathon. It was at night right?
The half marathon started at 4:30 and it was pretty much dusk by then - and it was a little warmer than I would have liked - close to 70 degrees! Too balmy for a Seattle runner! Was a lot of fun, but I prefer getting the race over with in the morning! Partied a bit too much the day before too. We stayed at Aria, was nice but we strongly prefer THEHotel at Mandalay Bay or Venetian. Was a shit ton of people running the marathon and half marathon too - about 40K!! The strip was closed all the way to downtown from 2pm - 11pm, I heard it was a nightmare for people getting to and from the airport from the west-ish side.