VIP Pitch - Like a nightmare.......

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by WickedInRI, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. bigsexy&misssexy2012

    bigsexy&misssexy2012 Shot Opus & Toga Fan Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    central ohio
    +120 / 0
    True.... I wouldn't have bought at nearly that price. .....I had a number. ....
  2. Mark and Staci

    Mark and Staci I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    +1,892 / 4
    Me too. Zero. They didnt like that number.....hahaha
  3. float

    float Regular Registered Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    Lake Dallas, Texas
    +1 / 0
    Sales Pitch

    You are not required to attend the pitch and a solid "NO" will suffice! If you do the pitch, DO NOT go int the afternoon! Too many drinks have already passed the lips!
    But, on the other hand, being a PM is great and the cost savings if you go many times is awesome. Just have to have them cut right to the chase and tell them just what you want. Al I was interested in was nights, nothing else. We bought in for only $7K. Got the number of nights we wanted and we are very happy!!
  4. Danny&Lyne

    Danny&Lyne Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    One of the very few advantage we get from Beeing french speaking peeps is that we can pretend, or fake that we don't speak english at all, that Way they let us Go without even trying. Works every Time. You should see their face when i answer them stricly in french.....they look at us like we just Landed from another planet.
  5. Cokewithlime

    Cokewithlime Guru Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    Toronto, Canada
    +248 / 3
    Frankly this should be required reading for anyone considering going to the "presentation"
  6. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Why do you say that Coke?
    Guess I missed the profoundness or educating factors in this thread.
    wht makes it so much more valuable than the other dozens of 'membership pissin' match' threads on here.?

    Seems typical to me.
    the most vocal are non-members spreading falshoods or 'our freinds...." stories.
    And real members' testimonials are ignored.

    No different than all the other threads over the years regarding memberships, sales pitch, sales people, Original Resorts...etc
  7. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14

    And... Just so you guys know, it never stops. Stacia & I got a Premier Membership back in April of 2012, following the leader of our friends Tom & Deb from halfway to Canada. He got them to take a completely unused time share he got somehow as a benefit of his work (it had connected RCI points with it is how that happened) and he wrangled that into his deal and got a discount on his package, etc. It worked for him. Anyway, Stacia just wanted to hear what they had to say, so...

    I be a lawyer guy, so I just told the front desk lady, I do this all the time, and we've been here 7 times, so we probably know more abut the parts of the resort that We like than what You do, just doing daytime tours, etc, do, so just hand us off to the manager and lets see if what you are selling fits what I might be interested in paying for it.

    No, I'm not trying to sell you guys on it. I'm going somewhere, I'm just long-winded sometimes.

    It ended up that the main benefit Stacia & I saw in the TTR membership was not the TTR-based perks, though those are subtle and nice and we appreciate them muchly, but the opportunity to go other places -- that's what locked us into the idea. So, we got ours then, April 2012.

    We come back in August, and the Sales Manager, Luis, actually came down and saw us, and most likely remembered Stacia, and came over and asked us if our membership had the SFX & Top Cities in it. I, who's job it is to remember all that stuff, couldn't, so I said I don't think so. So, we went to ask him about it (having TRIED to use the RCI one frustrating time, unsuccessfuly) and he tol us about the new San Francisco Exchange (see, SFX) and Top Cities benefits that came with that.

    (Basically, and metaphorically, RCI runs on paper. SFX runs off the internet, with all the speed and ease that implies. Remember having to actually go INSiDE a bank? yeah, like that.) So, in August 2012 we got a smll upgrade and added those benefits.

    That SFX thing paid for itself in January of 2013, when I used one of its sideline benefits to get us a vacation at Grand Case Beach Club on St. Martin (Stacia & I like the naked time available at Orient Beach there), at, rather than the typical price of $450 to $750 per night, depending on size of unit you get, I hit a dealio where I got a step down from largest unit they had and only dropped $130-ish a night on it. Bam! One trip, benefit in real money realized. I dig that.

    OK, so now we reach my point. Later that year, I think May of 2013, we go back to TTR and as we're registering, right on intot he Premier Members lounge/desk area comes in this lady "Who is going to tell us about all the recent improvements" to the resort. We tell her we were just there in August the previous year,, barely more than 9 months before....

    ... and she starts in witht he mantra, not quite the "we have an excellent opportunity for you"... but close to it...."We have some excellent new amenities and programs for you to take advantage of, if we could show you."

    Grrr. I just stood up, pulled Stacia up, and told her we didn't have time right then, as we were on vacation and had friends out by the pool who were expecting us as soon as we arrived. It's not lying, it was true. I HAD been here on CCC right up to leaving, so I had a VERY good idea of who it was that wanted to do the first set of shots off of Stacia's rack, you see. So, we left.

    Then, we come back in March of 2014. Rinse and repeat. In May of 2014. Must have left some soap in there, so rinse and repeat, again witht he "We have so many new programs and amenities for you to take advantage of...."

    Again. Grr.

    The tried and tested, and not even rude and best way we've come up with is a very simple, "No thank you, we're not interested. Not right now, anyway as we're going out to enjoy our vacation." Or any variation on that theme.

    I'd not suggest the one I heard from a guy from New York City once, "Get the fuck away from me, I don't fucking want your time share bullshit! You fucking people, don't fucking bother me..." as he stomped off......

    I can Guarantee you that dude's drinks and food had other... biological products ... in them befor ethat day was out.

    Be nice, be firm, be pleasant. They already know it's a crappy job. Just give them the excuse they need to mark you off their list.
  8. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    See that is where we are different.....we set an appointment at check-in. A time that works for us. The caveat is $100.00 cash for our time.
    Then at the agreed time, we have a coffee and chat with the salesperson. Then upstairs for 'old home week greetings' with the sales team.
    we have a few drinks, act like it is an early morning cocktail party.
    pass on recommendations and get some answers.
    listen to the latest gossip/rumors.
    decide if upgrading membership is advantageous
    and leave

    $100.00 richer.

    We go to Mecca 4 -5 times a year.
    400.or 500.00 cash back a year.
    Referrals cash
    4 free trips in last 3 yrs.
    membership is making money for us.
    and we aren't diggin very deep in pocket to be there each trip.
    2 dinners/nights per month at a top Toronto restaurant is more than a week at TTR.

    Umm....what is the bad part of this again?
  9. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Ohio, USA
    +659 / 2
    Which parts of Vegas do this? I'm going to Vegas in March + I desperately want to avoid timeshare presentations.

    I hate timeshares so much as I was suckered into buying one (that I can't get rid of)
  10. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    We bought in April and upgraded last week... we are very happy.. We think the worst thing about these presentations is the room they take you to... Its to loud !!! We got a day pass to Desire this trip and talked to Maggie, in a very quiet room it was a good experience and upgraded.. couldn't be happier.
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