I heard about the stuff you recently bought her!!!!!!!! Not every couple is as nasty as you both!!!!! See you in March!!! Get the gillet out!!!
Oi Groves, there'll be no gillet's on display I can asure you of that. March can't come qick enough, especially the end of it because you'll be gone by then ha ha. It'll be really nice to see you ladies again, I'll have a host of fella's waiting for you two. Jenn, hows the filth (lick n suck, lick n suck) going down in Oz?
Excellent!! Marj is now single - so watch out all those Welsh lads!!!!! Lynfa said you are gonna cook for us. She has promised a buffet, chinese and ice cream van!!!!! Plus lots of wine!!
You know what usually happens when Lynfa has a buffet so you don't want to go there. I'll cook for you, would you like me to cook before I go to work or would you like me to get up early and cook you brekkie?
I love a good buffet (cough cough) You can do breakie cos we'll have Chinese and ice cream van in the night - ta very much. (ps you never make me breakie) :cry:
I dont want "that kind of buffet"!!!! But definately looking forward to you cooking breakfast in the gillet!!! What a treat!!!!!!
Happy V-day everyone!! We're just going to cook a nice dinner at home & eat at the table instead of in front of the TV :lol:
Shall also get him to wear flip flops and swimwear so it will be like the BBG again. Lis you'd love to sample the special buffet, stop pretending.