Vacation diet?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Nathan and Sara, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Deleted member 43729

    Deleted member 43729 Guest

    +0 / 0
    "Eat Stop Eat", is also a great book/audio about 24hr fasting. There are so many false "facts" out there.
  2. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
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    Used to love and squat heavily.
    Those days are long gone sad to say:(
  3. LionsNzebras

    LionsNzebras I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    There is no magic pill my friend.
    Your fully right too, each one of us is a little different, our bodies, our metabolism etc. We just need to find out what works for you!
  4. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
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    My comment was made in jest!
    I was just playing and venting.
    Correct there is no magic or shortcuts.
    It is just easier from some than others based on body make up, matabolism, etc.
    I have changed my simple views over the years that all food was nothing more than fuel and that our bodies were simply engines.
    No way Jose...there is this phenomenon known as metabolism that rules the roost and is ever changing in each one of us...and of course different in each one of us.
    We all know when were once young and what we could get away with abusing our bodies but ad we age we (most) cannot sustain the same abuse without some, let’say, severe consequences.
    Women and men are of course different and I think as with other things women got the short end of the stick and have a harder time, especially with child birth and eventual menopause.
    But us men suffer from our own menopause in drop in Testosterone.
    I will stop my rambling and maybe we can discuss in person some time.

    I was also paying hommage to you’ll whom are so serious about it and also trying so so damn hard!!!

    Trust me we (me and Rayanne, she is an RN and knows much about diet/exercise) know that there are no shortcuts and hard work and discipline are the answers.

    Especially in the kitchen.
    You know what they say, that abs are made in the kitchen.
    90% diet...10% exercise because we all have ‘em ...believe it or not!
    Some are more developed but with hard and heavy workouts of squat, deadlift, bench press, bent over rows, military/press behind the neck, and focused core anyone can develop them.
    Secret is to cut the fat so they can be seen and highlighted!

    We have discussed this at nausea for over 30 years.
    Remember “ The Jetsons” where there was a pill form meal...a complete Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixin’s, all the taste and satisfaction, but none of the bad fat or calories!
    Now THAT my friend is the magic pill!

    That or a pill that allows you to eat like shit but then once you take it...voila...all the bad goes away and you stay muscular and ripped!
    Same for all our ladies!
    Now this is real “magic”.

    Let’s just not hold our breaths waiting or we may expire as we are still awaiting the flying cars and space elevators too!
  5. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13

    Update: had double cheeseburgers and french fries and large chocolate malt and desserts and lots of hard liquor (Jameson mocha-coffee infused Old Fashions) and lots of beer and ribs and french fies yesterday until late last night!
    But we “fasted” from 2-10 (8 hours) and again when we slept from 12-8 (another 8 hours).
    Heading up for breakfast tacos and memosas for brunch now.

    I really like this fasting diet!
    I do have to back calculate protein, calories, carbs, etc. but all seemed good when we were consuming.
    I think I now understand and it will work out just fine.
    Will see you on Feb 8th and may have some clothes on assuming they still fit.

    Thank you for all the tips....:D
  6. MikeandHeather

    MikeandHeather I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    The more I drink.....the less I eat. Not losing any weight. Should I drink more? Duh!
    Just kidding! Since I am now past 50 and Heather is stuck at 30, we seem to attract weight (and cheeseburgers and fries and....) we talk a lot about it and I wish there was a way to just put that much concern and hard work into working on “attitude”. Oh wait, there’s called TTR. Nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit!! YOLO!
    We seem to have the best time when we forget about everything and focus on just having fun with the people around us.
  7. LionsNzebras

    LionsNzebras I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    I will totally have a 3am cheese burger with yall on Feb 20th hehe. We arrive at 6pm :)

    Until then, as little carbs as I can get away with. It seems to have slowed down a bit, will have to monitor my intake and make sure I am eating enough.
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