USTWO Mini Novel - April 13-20

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by USTWO, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. USTWO

    USTWO Guru Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Day1. We arrive at the airport at 5am tired from the lack of sleep we had. We board the plane and our flight departs on time, as we are taxing down the run way our pilot must have had a flash back from the dukes of hazard days because he never slowed down as he made the turn to the main runway for takeoff. The flight down was uneventful except for the time when I was in the bathroom and we hit some mild turbulence. I went to brace myself on the door and it flew open, again to the people in line I am sorry I could have sworn I locked the door. Other than that incident the flight down was very smooth. We arrive in Mexico at 10am and on time. Now for the best part, we have been to Mexico 7 or 8 times and never ever did we get off our plane, walk right up to the customs booth, get our pass ports stamped, go to pick up our luggage, have both pieces of luggage together and be two of the first 3 pieces on the belt, then go to push the button with no one in front of us and no line. We head out to find the U.S.A. transfer Guy (which we highly recommend) then off to the resort. A short 25 minute ride and we arrived at TTR a little after 11 am. Now that my friends is a great travelling day! As we go to check in we see two familiar faces from our September trip Dani/Ron (Tatasnbeer) as fate would have it these two were the first two people we met on our very first trip to TTR in September - talk about a little dejavue. We get our wrist bands on then we head into the bathrooms to put on our swim gear. As we go out to the sexy pool for drinks and to kill some time until our rooms are ready we run into some more familiar faces Ali/Noah (Dikfore/Normasknockers). We throw our stuff under their chairs and the drinking begins. From this point on and the order which we met others and the events that follow are blurred. I can remember Noah bringing a tower of glasses filled with this blue stuff. I can remember being made fun of over what time it was, so I forgot to set my watch back an hour, no reason to keep busting my balls over it. (Ron) I remember going to get our room and it was some place in the 57 building which my wife said was too far away from everything. So we went and asked for another room. In all fairness we did ask for a quiet room away from Paty o. they give us another room 2106. surprise it was a lower room right on paty o. I will say this about this room, it was great, and it was close to everything also. Noise was not an issue seeing we was up anyways and the music stopped playing at 2 am. Now as for the people out making noise at 3 am you was annoying lol. theme night was red night which we did not participate in.

    DAY2. Now this day is one I would love to have back and do over. I woke up early with a pain in my lower left abdomen. it hurt so damn bad I was considering jumping on the next plane out of Mexico to the states. Like a good trooper I put on my I can do this face and we headed off to wall mart with Tatasnbeer for some peach schnapps so we could make peach jello shots. Well we had to settle with raspberry jello and raspberry vodka because apparently Mexico doesn’t sell schnapps. I limited my alcohol intake for this day, while at the sexy pool I saw this guy walking around the pool Matt (Big Sexy) with this contraption which turned out to be a beer bong on steroids. I introduced myself and had a shot from this contraption. I think the mixture at this time was wet pussy. His motto was in it to win it. With the pain I was having I just couldn’t feel it but I cheered him on. As the day went on we met up with some more familiar faces from our September trip, Scott/Susan (sands84) for those of you who met this sexy couple, you know that Scott is a funny man and Susan is a sweet heart. And the way these two dance together is something to admire, a real pleasure to know and to be around. Butch/Tiffany (tweb) we first met this couple back in September when they booked a trip on the Boobs Cruise while staying at another resort, this was their first official trip to TTR and we are glad we got to hang out with them and get to know them better . It was fun watching Tiffany’s inhibitions dwindle little by little with every passing day and theme night. What a doll she is. Stacy/Brian (macijo) what a great couple, now those of you who met this couple know that Stacy is the energizer bunny on crack, the wife and I would love to have half the energy this lady expends on a vacation. As for Brian, what a great guy, Mr. Mellow, he’s mild compared to Stacy and refers to her as his social butterfly. Nathan (Bear hug) we met Nathan at the sexy pool, although we didn’t spend much time hanging out with Nathan, I can tell you this about the man from what I saw. He is pleasant to speak to, he is respectful, he was always smiling, and he was always looking to have a fun time. As for being a large man no disrespect intended here, Nathan is very agile and athletic, after all this man won the ttr Olympics, and the ttr belly flop competition, I hope he post that picture I sent him with him flying through the air. What form! We head over to margaritas for dinner then we head back to the room to dress for cowboy-assless chaps theme. Okay it looks as though I’m on my way to writing a mini novel so I’m going to try and speed things up a bit. After all the hype and anticipation for this theme night I can say the men did their part. Yes there were asses hanging out in chaps, and yes there are things that I saw which will scar me for life. All in all it was a fun theme night. We also met the cougars for the first time mama bear/carol and matchandahalf/Karen. Karen wouldn’t do a jello shot from me until I introduced myself to her, I can see her cautiousness in doing so, in my opinion a very smart thing to do, one can never be too cautious.

    Day3. I wake up and still with pain, I tell my wife I think I’m going to go into the hospital this morning, we go out for breakfast. By the way the omelet station is the way to go. We eat, head back to the room, I pee and what do you know my pain is gone. You can call it what you will, intervention, a miracle or a kidney stone, I call it a day to make up for lost drinking. As not to waste anymore time we head out to the sexy pool. On this day we meet a lot more April addicts. If I miss a few names please forgive me, Glenn/Monique, Mike/Tina, Lorenzo /Karen, Lynn/Mike, Paul/Louisa, Vince/Wendy, Cory/Vanessa I know there are more but the names are eluding my memory at this time. As the day moves on I see Matt once again milling around the pool offering up shots from his shot machine, I like this word better than contraption. I remember thinking to myself, man does that guy ever take a break. It seems too much like work walking around with that shot machine all day. But hey it made him happy doing his part keeping the party going as it did to those taking the shots. We spent the rest of the day at the pool just chilling out with our old friends and some of the new ones we have met. Off to margaritas for dinner then back to the room to get ready for white dress shirt night. I know there has been a lot of discussion about this theme night the pros and cons. Some like it some don’t. I can tell you that I for one love this theme night. There is something about a woman in just a shirt and heels that drives me crazy, I do believe that this theme night had a lot of participation. You ladies rocked this night.

    Day4. Boobs Cruise day. I can’t go into great detail, well I can but I won’t lol. The orange swim suits filled up patty o in the morning. I think Monique’s master plan of getting people so wasted the night before so they would not make the cruise worked out flawlessly because 8 spots opened up on this day from no shows if I’m not mistaken. The cruise went off without a hitch. The new crew did their part by keeping the drinks flowing and getting everyone to participate in the days activities, we had a mild rescue occur as one of the women’s top jumped ship, they turned the boat around and the top was rescued a short time later. The aiwc was making its round and body shot and a few other extracurricular activities was common place, in other words a fun frigging time was had by all as always. Steve and Janet - you guys do a fabulous job. I will mention the waves on this day were a factor on this cruise and I do believe it was god’s way of keeping everyone in check. If not for these waves, and the rocking of this boat things would have escalated to another level. On this day the age old question about who can out drink whom between the U.S.A. and Canada was answered. Hats off to Noah, Dani, Brian and god I can’t remember her name to save my own life, who represented the U.S.A. it was a clean sweep for these 4. We head over to the bar for a few drinks and a live band, a couple of the guys on the cruise Ken/Cory each got to rock out a song , and what a fine job these guys did. Back to ttr with a boob cruise after party in the pool, Nathan was walking around giving out aiwc shots to those who wanted them and a big kudos to Scott for his very first aiwc foursome lol. By this time it’s time for a nap, we go grab a bite to eat then nappy nap time. Well the wife and I wake up late and catch the end of the rescue theme night. I guess we can use the costumes in September when we head back

    Day5. This day starts off with a day trip to the Isle Majeure with Ron/Dani (Tatasnbeer) and Paul/Louisa (Dog face2104) Butch/ Tiffany (tweb) are MIA and nowhere to be found. We want to thank Paul and Louisa again for being our tour guide for the day. I would recommend a trip to the Island rent a golf cart for the day it was a nice change of pace and very relaxing. We go back to ttr have a few drinks go eat dinner at margaritas and then head back to the room to get ready for school girl/kilt night. This night was a blast the women looked sexy in their school girl costumes and the guys rocking their kilts. I don’t know what to think about this because I never wore a kilt before and I never had so many guys smacking my ass and wanting to lift up my kilt to see if I was commando or not. I do remember my wife saying to this one guy hey! He is mine, find your own lol. Oh and to the Aussie guy a warning would have been nice when you went around showing people where you had your bow tie under your kilt. Yet another visual seared into my memory, which I could have done without.

    Day6. We get up head over for breakfast, have I mentioned the omelet station is the way to go. We spend the entire day at the sexy pool drinking and people watching. By this time my hands are blistering from the sun burn. I still for the life of me can’t figure out how one get’s sun burn on their hands while wearing SPF50 sunscreen. We head back to the room to take a quick nap before lingerie night. lingerie night has to be one of ttr best theme nights. What can I say, who doesn’t like women walking around half naked - you have to love the creativity of Dani with her candy bottom - hats off to Noah for his second men’s lingerie win. For those of you who met Noah you know this man is a trip and loves to push his limits.

    Day7. Our final day. This day starts out like the rest only sadder because we know this will be our last day at ttr. We go eat breakfast at yes you guessed it the omelet station and then head over to the sexy pool for drinks. On this day we meet Mike and Laurie. We spend the entire day at the pool with old and new friends. We go eat dinner and then get ready for white night. This in my opinion is a fun night also, the women walking around in their tight white dresses and some in less than a dress. And the addition of the foam machine which people seemed to like was a bonus. You just got to watch out for the foam jumping into your drink. Well my novel is over here’s my take on our 2nd trip to ttr.

    • There was never a dull moment, even with some pain
    • The food this time around seemed better than our first trip
    • The rooms right at patty o isn’t that bad
    • The Boobs Cruise is still a blast even with the new crew
    • Loved meeting our old friends from September
    • Was great meeting new friends from the April addicts
    • Patty o burgers still are tasty
    • The staff and crew at ttr are awesome and friendly, remember to tip them well
    • It’s the people who make the trip to ttr worth while
    • The bar tenders for keeping the drinks flowing and my bubba keg full
    Not spending more time getting to know the April addicts. I feel we missed out on a lot of fun with these people. We will have to make up for this next April.
  2. Tweb

    Tweb Guru Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Can't wait for our next trip. Only 4 months from
    Wednesday :)
    Great report by the way and my regrets was getting out to the pool so late and missing the island tour :(
  3. NormaSnockers

    NormaSnockers Addict Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    On or under Dikfore...
    +13 / 0
    That's a fantastic trip report! I don't think I could piece a full day at TTR together, thanks to the alcohol phase. Lol

    I'm so glad we got to see you guys again. You're a blast!!!
  4. bigsexy&misssexy2012

    bigsexy&misssexy2012 Shot Opus & Toga Fan Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    central ohio
    +120 / 0
    nice trip report! I always like the honorable mention....
  5. regdog

    regdog Addict Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Charleston, South Carolina
    +10 / 0
    Awesome TR and fantastic for sharing
  6. Mommabear

    Mommabear I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Kickapoo IL and New Jersey
    +270 / 0
    Great trip report! I couldn't begin to remember that much detail! Kudos. Til next April
  7. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Edmonton, canada
    +424 / 1
    It was fun to meet and hang out with you two. See you next year right. Nice TR.
  8. GoGoBlanco

    GoGoBlanco Banned

    Dec 11, 2012
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    I have a sneaking suspicion that the "Aussie guy" was in fact English - (Lee, I think this may have been you - you naughty boy! LOL xx)
  9. Naughty Newfies

    Naughty Newfies Guru Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2013
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    "On this day the age old question about who can out drink whom between the U.S.A. and Canada was answered."

    Now, Now. They drank 1 or 2 beer each faster. They did not out drink us. More speed does not equal more volume. That's a challenge for next year!

    Great report guys. Hope to see you next April!:daveandmo:
  10. Naughty Newfies

    Naughty Newfies Guru Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2013
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    +418 / 1
    Yea he was indeed English--and a lovely bow it was.
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