To summarize the party plans: Rob & Diana are knocking down the wall to make a party suite with Rob & Ashley. Dan & Michelle are good with the plan, bring the infused whipped cream, Pat & Jen are ready to attend, Let's get this party started!
Did you already book? If not send me a pm or email if you still have it. We have referral weeks you can use they might save you some $$$. Sucks that we will missy you by one day.:icon_frown:
Maybe us, if the new gig Stacia's involved with can spare her for some few days! AND if we can tie it together with Humper & Woody, Midwestern, TerriandAdam, etc....
okay Randy says lets go in March, so I guess while there next week will look into booking or as soon as we get back! LOL Addicts! So I guess we will see you Rob and Ashley. Anyone know if Kyle and Kyla coming back?