U.S. Citizen & Beneficiary Info

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jim in Cancun, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    (received this morning.)
    This Warden Message is being sent to alert U.S. citizens to a webcast concerning Federal Benefits and Social Security and to remind them of the recent changes in the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.


    Officials from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City will answer questions about Federal Benefits and Social Security live on a Webcast Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 13:00 – 14:00 (Central Time Zone),

    Interested citizens and beneficiaries can attend this session by going to Connect Pro Meeting Login.

    Anyone with questions about the topic is encouraged to submit them to virtualconsulatemex@state.gov in advance or during the webcast.

    To join the event on September 14, go to Connect Pro Meeting Login and log in as “Guest” by typing in your name and clicking “Enter Room.”

    Military and Overseas Voters, Submit your Ballot Request for the General Election!

    There are only eight weeks until the November 2nd general election! If you have not already requested your absentee ballot, do so immediately. It's simple and it’s fast. Go to FVAP.gov and use our online registration and absentee ballot assistant to have your forms completed, printed out, and ready to send back home in less than 10 minutes.

    States begin mailing ballots September 18 (45 days before the general election), however, due to mail delays, you may not get your ballot in time to vote, return it and have it counted. So don’t delay and submit your absentee ballot application today. Remember that many states now require that you request your absentee ballot every year.

    If you do not receive your ballot by October 2, use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) as your back-up ballot! Go to FVAP.gov and use our automated assistant to complete the FWAB. For each office for which you vote, write in either a candidate’s name or their party designation; check your State election website for candidate information, which generally is available 45 days before the election. If you receive your State ballot after submitting the FWAB, vote and return the State ballot as well. The State will only count your FWAB if your State ballot is not received by the deadline.

    The U.S. Consulate can assist you in mailing your ballots to your election board. So that they are received in time for counting, you should plan on having the ballots to us by October 12, or three weeks before the election.

    This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
  2. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Uhumm!! Excuse ME!... that should sooo NOT be an option.... and we wonder how so many idiots get elected in the US...

    PS: Sorry to hijack the post Jim.. informative as always...
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