I have never ever, ever left a tip......... and have always had AMAZING service at the Golden Parnassus. However this year I will be tipping(because I feel bad for my friends that dont get paid that much)..... one dollar per drink., one dollar for the cleaning lady/day(we are very clean) along with whatever I dont want to bring home(sandals, etc), and 3 bucks for each meal or so.
In Cancun you tip people that do things for you. If you want them to do anything extra you tip them more. At the clubs it's $35-50pp for open bar. But that doesn't mean you'll get a drink. Plan on $10/night for tips, more if you want VIP treatment. The people that work at the resorts do not make much money at all, and most have families to take care of and your tips go a long way to helping out. Sure, it's optional.... everything is optional.