The TTR yacht is moored in a slip by TTR. It's one of the perks for Premeir members (along w\$300.00 US) I'm not sure of the capacity but from some pics on here it looks like it'll hold 20 people for a 4hr. private booze krewes. I wouldn't suggest buying a membership right now so make friends w\a member & away you go. At least that was what I was told the last (& first) time I was there in '06.
Well in that case are there any members going sept 5- 14 there will be four of us we can help on that cost. Whose in for the party?
$350 for four hours, and holds up to 12. We had 11 on our last trip, and it was great. We had tried to get the yacht a few times before, and were never able to get it on a day that we wanted. Either booked, or in dock for repair, although I could see that the boat never moved the entire time we were there.
If I hadn't read all the bad things about RCI lately I would consider becoming a member. I have yet to sit through there time share bit, I guess I'm lucky. I've been there a few times but knew I didn't want to give up my time for time share. Guess why I don't know about the perks. If they ever get this all sorted out I will have to check it out. I wonder if they would let me take it out if I bribed them with a little extra.
G wanted to become members while we were down there but I talked him out of it, much of the reason was because of the yacht. I told him I would rather just be a member's friend. Our last trip our hotel cost was less than the AI fee for members.
The cost of the yacht rental is based on what is in your contract. Ours for example is $250 for 4 hrs, but most of you know all contracts are different. So basically for $25 per person ( my wife & I dont pay since I make the arrangements & I paid for the membership :huh you get 4 great hrs on the water with food & drinks included. The atmosphere is what you make it depending on the crowd you are with. We have had quiet relaxing cruises & we had cruises where everyone comes back drunk & naked :shock: Bottom line is don't miss the chance if you get one. Get the word out that you want to go & I'm sure you will. Scott
I'm a little confused on this. Did G want to become members because of the yacht or did you NOT want to become members because of the yacht? Also I agree until RCI & Premier get things worked out I would not join now. However until the 60,000 point limit was installed, our membership was working great. For example our trip in Feb. cost $1064 total for 2 people for a week. While your hotel cost may have rivaled our AI fee of $69 per day per person, our round trip airfare of $49 per person was probably hard to compete with. Hopefully things get worked out but until then I would not buy & before You do sit down with several members & get their views :wink: Scott
Yeah, we paid $2100.00 for nine days for two people, air included. With all the problems that are being talked about I'd rather pay that. We thought about joining this year until I started reading about all the problems.
I guess the way I worded it was funky. He wanted a membership because of the yacht. I didnt want a membership because of what I read here. Also I wouldnt hae put my name on it unless we were married first anyways... Dont need to be married to a contract. LOL !