TTR v Desire............HELP!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Dave and Ellie, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. Brett & MeShell

    Brett & MeShell Regular Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    When hubby and I were there in Feb. we never left the resort at TTR and had a blast. The only night that was slower was the night of our booze cruise and a lot of the crowd we knew were sleeping. But we danced at Nice Shoes some nights till 1 or 2am and then went to Paty O's and there was always a crowd. My husband some mornings at 5am when he went to reserve our chairs by the sexy pool, ran into people still partying at the sexy pool/ocean from the night before.
    So really it's all about the people you are with or meet. I'm sure you'll find plenty of other couples that love a great night life and want to party at TTR.
    We also met a few couples that do both TTR and Desire. They love the party atmosphere and fun of TTR and then they like the theme nights and openness of Desire. Maybe booking a couple nights at one or the other would be a good idea for you! Then you can come back and share with a wonderful trip report!!
    Either way hope you have fun!
  2. Dave and Ellie

    Dave and Ellie Banned

    Feb 25, 2010
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    Thanks guys........we were reading such bad stories on another thread about changes that need to be made and we'were concerned. I have no doubt that we'll meet and enjoy many new friends wherever we end up. We're not ready to call it a night at 10pm......heck many nights we don't get started till then and we read TTR essentially "closed" for the night at aproximately that time.

    You guys have I'll have to work on Dave
  3. suedave

    suedave I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    we have never been to Desire, so we cant really comment on the choice between the two, although as you said, there is nothing at Desire that would worry us, one of the reasons we like TTR so much, is that you can decide to either stay in the hotel with the friends you have made and have a great time, or decide between a group of you on the day to catch a bus and go into town and hit a few bars and have a great time, you have the choice, we have been to the caribbean a few times, and had a great time, but the one thing we missed was being able to leave the resort when we wanted too, as you were not advised to leave due to security, so you do exactly what you want to do whenever you want in cancun, and the people that we have met over the years have been some of the best people to hang out and party with and have become great friends, just our opinion, sure whichever you decide, you will have a great time.
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Here's my newbie Desire question, never having been there.

    I know Desire is clothing optional. Does that mean that everyone is naked all the time, or is it fine to be clothed since it's 'optional'? In much the same way as topless is optional at TTR.

    Are you looked down upon if you choose to wear clothes? How about at night? I cant imagine everyone being naked while hanging out at the bar and eating in the restaurants for example.
  5. Deleted member 12579

    Deleted member 12579 Guest

    +0 / 0
    You have to be clothed at the restaurants.. and most people are nude or just top less at the beach and pools.. some people carry a wrap to cover up when walking around some dont cover up ... it is optional no one judges you.. its whatever your comfortable with...
  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Definitely not true. At least not between 2/24 and 3/2! Check out our trip report for more details. We wanted to go to the clubs at least one night but we had so much to do at the resort that we never made it and the earliest we went to bed was at some point between 12 and 1 and most nights was more like 4.

    I think that thread you are referencing was specifically about what people would improve if they could. If you look back through the trip reports everyone has posted you will see that it is more the exception than the rule where people are looking for more to do.

    And based on your posts it sounds like you guys have no problems finding the fun.
  7. Cokewithlime

    Cokewithlime Guru Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    As Partydollgirl said, much like TTR with topless optional, Desires clothing optional is much the same. Just as some choose two wear tops at TTR your will find a range of what people wear at Desire from fully nude, bottoms only and occasionally bottoms and tops - what you wear(or not) is what you feel comfortable in.

    The fact that Desire has defined much of the resort as "clothing optional" leave the option open to guests as to how much they wish to exercise that option, unlike the nude areas of the Hedos and Braco where to be in the nude areas you must be completely nude or you will be asked to leave that area. From our 17+ visits to Desire there is no stigma attached to those that choose not to totally exercise the clothing optional option ;)

    In fact Steve, the only areas of Desire that are officially defined as clothing optional are the beach, pool and second floor Jacuzzi area - even to eat at lunch area at the pool a cover up, or something covering your lower half is required. At all other public areas, restaurants, disco, front lobby clothing is required.
  8. Dave and Ellie

    Dave and Ellie Banned

    Feb 25, 2010
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    looks as though we're going to spend a week at Desire and a week at trying to decide which to do first.....maybe we'll rest at Desire after a week at TTR?


    PS: Dave wants Desire......I want TTR
  9. Deleted member 12579

    Deleted member 12579 Guest

    +0 / 0

    Congrats on the decision. I think that is the perfect compromise.
    if it were me .. I would do TTR then Desire..
    you will have a great time at both places..
  10. Cokewithlime

    Cokewithlime Guru Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    +248 / 3
    Good decision - For a lot of reasons, I would suggest TTR first and then Desire. Have a great time !!

    PS - I would suggest you join the Desire forums(link on signature line) and post in the Arriving Roll Call appropriate month for when you will be there in order to get to know some of the others that will be there on the same week
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