Well here is our trip report from May 7 – 14. Once again we had a blast. It’s hard to believe 8 days can go by so fast. We flew out of Atlanta on time and arrived in Cancun approximately 12:30. It was a little slow getting through the airport however, we used Brant’s transfer and it was great. This was our first time using Brant but definitely won’t be the last. His service is highly recommended. We arrived at Temptation’s and quickly moved into our room. The new rooms are very nice. We grabbed a late lunch at Margarita’s and headed out to the pool. Being exhausted from traveling and trying to ”pace ourselves” we made it a short night and were in bed before midnight. The next morning it was off to grab pool chairs early. Then after a trip to the gym (Cherri slept in) and a shower it was off to the pool for the day. This set our daily routine for the trip. We spent everyday at the pool enjoying the great friends, staff, and games. The entertainment staff was awesome as always. T you are a sweetheart. The games were mostly the same as before however still a lot of fun. Horse shoes became a daily routine for me and Jamie (we beat Chino). Cherri and I won at horseshoes and the body shots contest. I won the belly flop contest and crazy darts contest. We played naked tequila volleyball on Friday and participated in several other contests. Our winning loot consisted of 6 t-shirts and lots of bling-bling. All our friends from the Cancuncare site were as much fun as always. I want to say thanks to everyone. We had a wonderful time hanging out everyday. Some of the great people we met were Janice and Scott (JanScott), Brandon and Carly (BCE4800), Jamie and Chris (Jamie), Chuck and Em (hathondo),Brad and Keri (Theoriginalparrothead), Mark and Lisa (Bearcats), Jack and Edie (jackman), Tina (Welshgirl), John and the Indy Crew (JKMRTV), Frank and Jamie (fbjr1). I know I missed some of you we met but alcohol does that to you (LOL). Sorry. We also met a lot of great people that were not familiar with this site. (We promoted Cancuncare heavily). Many new friendships were started. I have to mention T and Craig from Eugene, Oregon. (T is an awesome dancer.We will be in touch. Love you guys). Roy, Sue, Niki, and Chad from Dallas, Texas. (Great friends). Rafael and Nicola from Texas. (Rafael, you were a good sport but stay away from the darts. Check out the pics). Dale and Sherri from Louisiana. (Dale is a fellow firefighter), Gavin from England. (Gavin, remember drink lots of water and use sunscreen). We met many others but just can’t remember names.( If any of you see this post send us a PM ). I only left the resort once. Jamie and I made a trip to WalMart. We planned on going on the Friday night booze cruise but it was cancelled. Each night we attended the shows at Nice Shoes and had a blast as always. We had fun dancing the night away after the shows even though the AC was not very good. All the changes are not complete at Temptations. There was still some cosmetic construction going on as well as some rooms still being renovated. The changes we saw were good. Loved the new Margaritas Grill. PattyO’s was a great meet and greet area. The Cigar Bar changes were very nice however it was hard to locate the first time. Nice Shoes is a great place for dancing at night with music and a video screen (although it was hot). Overall we had a wonderful time and are looking forward to next year. When we left on Wednesday the May crowd was still partying very hard. We hated to leave but gotta go back to reality sometime. http://good-times.webshots.com/album/563441264uqkJkh?vhost=good-times
OH my what great pics!!! I cant wait... 1 week.. The sunset gave mE goose bumps I am ready to go!!! AWWWWWWWW..... so ready :lotsofmichaelf: