So................ last minute change of plans, I am now heading down to Indianapolis to party with 3 of my best friends from college. When we all get together, watch out!! :shock: They live less than a mile from broadripple(67 bars, 1 block) so............ its going to get sick this weekend. Turn your phones off people, there WILL be drunk dials ALL weekend long, likely in spanish for Cinco De Mayo!! Woooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo
thats alot of alcohol you going to intake.. can your body handle that much?? spider man 3 yuppy~~~ i love kristin dust..
:beergone: :daveandmo: :beerdrink: :dave: :michaelf: :bigband: :ladiesman: :claphappy: :clap: :hug: :cheerleaders:
no!!! haha the boys are coming up tonight and then another friend is coming tomorrow.. studying can wait till sunday??