Honestly I'm a bit worried that the attendance in Springbreakers are going to drop this year because of the bullcrap all over the news about whats going on in Mexico. What do you guys think? Will it have a dramatic effect on the amount of springbreakers this year or not? Is it going to put a damper on our springbreak experience and take the wind away from Cancun's sails and blow to a safer location?
My boyfriend works at a Resort and they are FULL, very full. Cancun has seen more tourism this year then this time last year. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to people being there.
A guy I work with, his 2 daughters in college were booked to go, and they pulled the plug on them going! I think many families will do the same, but I still think there will be a LOT of spring breakers.
Wow tori your boyfriend works at a resort in cancun? Dont you live in PA? Thats awefully far isnt it? Well thats good to hear. By the way, what is the best way to get a hold of you for the cancun meetup at slices on the 21st? Still hope you can make it! Thus far its kind of a sausage fest haha so we need all the ladies we can get. Engineer guys thats kinda lame, but wouldnt you think most of the college aged would be in control of their own vacation by now? I know if my parents were in control of my springbreak I'd probably end up in Utah or something, no way in hell they'd let me stay in party central! Well, hope its not the case for most of the springbreakers this year.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think Oasis may be sold out from the 14th-21st. It's gonna be packed forsure.
Yeah, I have been going down about every 2 months, but as of May or June I'll be down there for good. The distance isn't too bad...you get used to it. I will PM you my info. We will never be even when the one guy is bringing 19 of his friends. :shock:
I think spring breakers don't give crap about anything but booze and getting laid. the crowds will be huge.
they are predicting 30-40 thousand spring breakers over the 6 week period they consider to be spring break. there were 30 thou last yr and i thought it was pretty damn packed