Trip Report - Nov 28 to December 4th

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by jnine, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    Having read several trip reports from other members, we thought we should create one based on our recent experience as well.

    DAY 1 – The flight down from Michigan was uneventful, and we made it through CUN in record time. 20 minutes after they popped the plane door open we had run the gauntlet of drivers at the airport exit, and we nearly walked into a driver with our name on a sign. It was amazingly quick and painless, and both Stephie and I had once again won the green button lottery. We were that much closer to the sexy pool!

    One thing we love about TTR is how they greet you at the door with a cold beer, and once again the staff did not disappoint. Check in was also amazingly easy, although we probably helped ourselves by requesting a room (2103) right next to Paty-O’s, a location not loved by those who value their sleep. The location couldn’t be better for access to nearly everything else though. After a quick strip down to almost nothing we were headed for the water, new bubba mugs in hand, and new suits clinging to our skin. It was good to be home! The rest of the afternoon was spent sipping drinks, making new friends, and planning for the Christmas / Red theme night. Surely a little nap would only help us later. Like so many others though, once down, we were out for the night. We’ll have to try that one again next year.

    DAY 2 – Stephanie was treated to a nice breakfast in bed, and soon we made our way out to the sexy pool. We settled into a pair of chairs by the fun holes and then met our neighbors in a most unusual way – a damn seagull passing overhead had apparently found an inviting target, and it took all four of us to figure out what had just happened. Although Stephanie and I only suffered collateral damage, poor Lisa and Alex took a direct hit. Both have an incredible sense of humor however and we all managed a quick rinse in the nearby showers and a round of laughs over it.

    We had been watching for our friends Angus and Claire from last December, and before long the lovely Claire spotted us and had made her way over. The woman walks with the grace of a princess and seemingly glides along the ground. It was so great to see them again. Of course we spent the rest of the day wandering the poolside and hanging out in the water. Life doesn’t get any better. Tonight was Superhero night though, and we had a costume that would be unique.

    Assuming there would be plenty of traditional superheroes, we opted for a new one on the scene. In the U.S. there is a very active media campaign by Dos Equis featuring the Dos Equis man, also known as “The Most Interesting Man in the World”. He’s seemingly done everything, and is usually in the company of a beautiful woman, so this makes him a hero to many. We would go as the Dos Equis man and a stunning companion. Stephanie really did this well with her green corset and two appropriately placed XX labels on the twins. It was glorious! Maybe we can put a pic up in our profile folder. We usually love the theme nights.

    DAY 3 – IT’S Boobs Cruise DAY!!!! Gotta love Steve’s Boobs Cruise, and this time we were taking the new, big boat. As usual it was an absolute blast, and we were even part of some kind of “running buffet” record, although I didn’t see any running but a lot of happy couples all helping out the cause. No harm done! Thank you Steve, Omar, and crew for the good times! We were just too damn tired to go out that night though.

    DAY 4,5,6 – These days kind of run together, but it was incredibly fun each day and we got to meet more wonderful CancunCare members. THANK YOU SO MUCH RENE (Bubba here), JAN, CRAIG, BAMBERS, TRISH, ALEX AND LISA, ANGUS, CLAIRE, KEN & BARBIE, and everyone else we met and thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with. Wish I could remember everybody, but some of it is a little (or a lot) blurry. You made our days great!

    We managed to have costumes for each of the last three nights also, and they were Party like a Rock Star, LBD, and lingerie night. Since Stephie is tall and blonde, for Party Like a Rock Star night she dressed up like Bobby Brown from the hair band Warrants Cherry Pie video, while I grabbed a long wig and went as singer Jani Lane. It is here I learned some women like long hair, and several ran their fingers through it, with one promising to “pull it all night” if it was real. I never told her otherwise, but sadly, someone else must have because it never happened. LBD night was a hit with Stephie in a slinky, hot dress, and lingerie night was especially sexy, with great participation. It was over too quick though, and Friday we had to depart at 11.30am after many good byes.

    There are questions that come up often on this forum, and I thought I would offer my recent observations:

    STAFF – Stellar as usual. Absolutely outstanding in every way. Love ‘em and we try to show our appreciation with decent tips.

    SECURITY – These guys were on it. They were observant but not overbearing, and when a day-passer attempted to climb up on the Paty-O’s bar during lingerie night, he didn’t get far before they ordered him down. Overall I think they did a great job with our group.

    DAY PASSES – Few during the week, but there seemed to be many during Lingerie night. Obviously mostly younger guys there to gawk, but they made little progress beyond that, and it appeared they realized it wasn’t going to happen for them so drinking among themselves was their next best option.

    SINGLE GUYS – Some of best, most friendly people we met during the week. Can’t say enough about Rene, Justin, Brandon, Craig, and several other guys. Perfect gentleman, and even young Justin and Brandon were great to hang out with. Really only one issue during the week from some guy named Chad who apparently assumes that since a woman at TTR smiles and says hello there is more coming. WRONG! Hell, EVERY woman at TTR is friendly and smiling. At the end of one afternoon though, Chad felt prompted to stop by our group and tell Stephie she was a tease and “It’s never going to happen, and you’ll never see me again”. He then decided it was a good idea to mouth off to Rene and me as well, but I had none of it. I’m no small guy, but Rene can only be described as a Canadian Oak Tree. A gentleman, but still a giant, and there were many more in our group as well. As Rene and I said to each other that this guy wasn’t worth a trip to the Mexican lockup for, apparently Chad rethought his position and made a hasty retreat. Guess we’re off his Christmas card list too. Oh Boo-hoo… Anyway, this was the only incident I saw throughout the week though. Overall though, I have to say the single guys are a very welcome part of the community. We had a great time with them, and one A-hole hardly defines the group. Everybody else was great!

    WEATHER - The weather was excellent each day and warm enough to be in the water, although a little heat in the pool or fun holes would be welcome.

    OVERALL – WE LOVED IT!!! We’ll be back next March for Stephie’s 40th, and in December to see our friend again!
  2. Bubba

    Bubba Addict Registered Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Alberta, Canada
    +50 / 0
    It was great to meeting you guys again! You guys are great.
  3. FunFoss

    FunFoss Addict Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    +1 / 0
    Sounds like it was a great time!
  4. lochnavar

    lochnavar Addict Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2014
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    +370 / 0
    Excellent trip report!

    Can't believe you missed out angus's leather kilt! Lol.... Can't wait until next year to see everyone again!

    Thanks to everyone for being so friendly and welcoming and making temptations the special place we know and love!!!
  5. Captain Blue Eyes

    Captain Blue Eyes I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Calgary AB
    +419 / 0
    What a great time meeting and partying with you both! Too bad you couldn't be there a little year I guess!

    Think about Calgary for Stampede!
  6. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    We'll be there. Sorry I left out the leather kilt part Claire! Would be good for you to wear next year also, but as a very short dress! lol
  7. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    Wow didn't realise we were neighbours! We were in 2102 26th to Dec 7th. Lovely to meet you guys, you looked like you were having fun. See you next year!
  8. nykers

    nykers Newbie Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2015
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    We want to book for April 2016 .. Can anyone help with where we can get the best TTR deal...this would be our 2nd adventure and so anxious too go again!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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