Trip Report Nov 1 -8

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by JenandTodd, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. JenandTodd

    JenandTodd Guru Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Southern Ontario
    +56 / 0
    This was our 7th trip to BBG/Temptations....

    We flew out of the Toronto airport at 6:45 am on November 1st and landed in Cancun at 9:00 am. We raced through customs and immigration, grabbed out luggage and hit the red light (first time in 8 trips to Mexico). That slow down only took about 2 minutes and we were off to find our transfer (Brants). We were at Temptations around 10:15 even though the main road was under construction. Many of the staff remembered us from past trips including the front desk. It paid off as we got a room when we arrive and it was oceanview! We dropped our stuff off, went for breakfast and then off to the sexy pool where we found our friends Roy and Sandy. We found out that their room was right beside ours! The weather was warm, but cloudy, but that didn’t stop us from sitting at the pool having some drinks and meeting new friends. We also met Nat and Ian, Michael and Kasi (M-n-K), Lee and Gordie.

    We woke up on Sunday to the warm sunny Cancun weather we were hoping for and this weather continued until Friday. Grabbed a couple of chairs by the sexy pool and started to party. This was probably the best day / party of the week for us. We met Mike (aka Billy Idol) and Kerstin, P-diddy and his fiancé, Laurie (I think LaLa from the board), and a few other couples today. We had lots of shots from the swim-up bar and continued partying in the not so hot hot tubs until around 5:30. We all met up for dinner in the buffet and then off to Paty-O’s where we were the life of the party.

    Monday was another great day by the pool, watched Billy Idol and Lee show off their “stuff” in crazy darts and at night we went to Coco Bongos with the resort. We ended up moving to the second level beside one of the camera guys who also shoots the paper confetti. He actually remembered us from April!! A little while later, we found T, Jose and Lalo just below us and went to stand with them. They had a bottle of tequila and the shots were flowing. Got back to the resort around 4:30 for some burgers and then to bed for a couple of hours.

    The rest of the week was pretty much the same. We didn’t go to Karaoke on Tuesday, but we did go to the entertainment at night the rest of the week. The two shows were great (Wednesday night one was a new show), lingerie/casino night was a blast. Ladies legs was Monday night and they no longer do the quest or anything goes. We did find that participation this week was low during the day and at night.

    We ate at the Tex Mex restaurant twice and the seafood restaurant once, and the buffet the rest of the week. The buffet is actually a la carte three nights a week (Monday, Thursday and Friday, I think) now and it themed international night. Not sure if that was because the resort was only 50% capacity or not. To make reservations this week, you could actually make all of your reservations at once if you wanted. We actually didn’t like it because if you wanted to eat at one of the a la cartes the night you were going to make reservations your only choice was 9:30pm. You actually had to make a reservation a couple of days in advance for a earlier dinner.

    The new activity was okay, but definitely different than past trips. T was doing a great job running the show. Her friend Nikki is the other girl on the activity staff and could use some excitement. She is monotone at all times…doesn’t make it too interesting. Charlie Charlie is a nice guy and he was doing fine but he just isn’t Chinos, Omar or Lalo. Jose, Manuel, Luis and Mario were also great.

    We awoke on Friday to partly cloudy skies which turned to rain for the afternoon caused by the hurricane that hit Cuba. We stayed outside and watched naked tequila volleyball under an umbrella. After the night show in Nice Shoes, we saw Becky and Cliff in Paty-O’s and partied with them for our final night.

    The sun returned on Saturday for our trip home. We stayed around the pool as long as we could. Our transfer arrived early and we left for the airport. To our surprise we ended up with private transportation (a new suburban) through our tour operator back to the airport. We arrived at the Cancun airport at 3pm for our 6pm flight only to learn that our flight was delayed until 9:30 pm. Bummer. Something always goes wrong for us! So we went on a mission to find Lee and Gordie. They were on a different flight, but were supposed to be leaving at 5:45 (delayed from 10am) and then they were delayed again until 8pm. We found them a short time later in TGIFriday’s and had a few drinks and some food with them. Our flight finally left and we arrived at the Toronto airport around 2 am. We took the shuttle to our car and got into our own bed at 5:00 am.

    Question: Will we be back??
    Answer: Yes, we are looking at returning at the end of February 2009. T’s contract is up on March 20th and we would like to return while she is there. A couple of our friends would also like to try Temptations for the first time and want to go in Febraury. We had thought about trying Temptations in Los Cabos, however, after talking to Charlie Charlie, we decided we probably wouldn’t have as good a time. He mentioned that there isn’t much in the way of daytime entertainment (like in Cancun) and they don’t go out to clubs as they are too far away.

    So….all in all we had a great trip, met lots of new people (new and old friends) and we look forward to meeting up with more people in February.
  2. seriouslysillygirl54

    seriouslysillygirl54 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    columbus, ohio
    +0 / 0
    Great trip report......hope the weather is as good for us we will be leaving the 19th for a week......Good point.....Cabo really does not have the great entertainment that Cancun the Ocean is never as warm. Thank you for the report......seems like everything is as it has been. :D
  3. Eightiesman

    Eightiesman Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    New Brunswick, Canada
    +0 / 0
    Nice trip report, great to hear you had a good time, we will be there the last week of feb. in 2009 also... see ya there....
  4. DavenRose

    DavenRose I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    North Carolina
    +1 / 0
    Great TR and thanks for the tip on Cabo, we are thinking about trying it out either in Sept. or possibly next year. We are headed back to TTR in May for our 9th trip, so I guess we will decide on Cabo after that!!
  5. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Hey guys

    Great trip report, so...are you doing Feb and Apr?

    That must have been a long last day.
  6. Beck

    Beck I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    Cape Cod, MA
    +0 / 0
    Check out Tunes and Timtations, there's a huge group going April 30, we decided to go then instead, flights were half the price:).
  7. TexasTrouble

    TexasTrouble Guru Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    Burleson, TX
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    Great trip report, it was a blast meeting you both. Glad to see some of my antics did not make it in to your report:shock:

  8. JenandTodd

    JenandTodd Guru Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Southern Ontario
    +56 / 0
    We're thinking February instead of April 2009, just because friends of ours would prefer to go in February.

    Michael, while some of you crazy antics didn't make our trip report, they are stuck in our head and make us laugh!! Especially the baby arms in Margaritas. We do have pictures of this and will be posting them when we have a couple of free hours...we're on dial-up internet and it just takes way too long to post.
  9. RoynSandy

    RoynSandy Addict Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    +7 / 0
    Was great seeing you guys again,we'll def. have to try to get together again! Anything green or blue still makes my head spin!!!lol :wow:
  10. 4biddenpleasrs

    4biddenpleasrs I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Toronto, ON, Canada
    +0 / 0
    hey guys... great TR... and yeah.. I'm sure we could find a way to bump into each other in Toronto.
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